Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CPAN Distributions by ANDYA

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Data-YAML 0.0.7 2015-04-17 100
Data-Structure-Util 0.16 2015-03-08 100
Net-CIDR-Set 0.13 2014-02-24 100
Perl-Version 1.011 2011-02-22 100
CGI-Simple 1.113 2010-12-27 100
Digest-MD6 0.11 2010-11-09 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Bundle-AndyA 1.12 2010-10-28 81.25 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec,has_changelog,has_tests,has_human_readable_license,has_license_in_source_file,use_strict
File-Monitor 1.00 2010-10-28 100
Path-Class-Each 0.03 2010-09-18 100
WWW-Notifo 0.09 2010-07-21 100
File-Find-Parallel 0.52 2010-07-03 100
Captcha-reCAPTCHA 0.94 2010-07-03 96.88 main_module_version_matches_dist_version
Captcha-reCAPTCHA-Mailhide 0.94 2010-07-03 100
XML-RSS-PicLens 0.04 2010-02-14 100
CPAN-Mini-Inject 0.27 2010-01-29 100
Acme-MirrorTracer 2009.051914390009 2009-08-24 96.88 main_module_version_matches_dist_version
WWW-ErnestMarples 0.01 2009-07-09 100
latest 0.03 2009-06-25 100
like 0.02 2009-06-25 96.88 use_strict
Devel-LeakGuard-Object 0.06 2009-06-25 96.88 no_pod_errors
Digest-HMAC_MD6 0.01 2009-06-18 100
Devel-TraceLoad 1.04 2009-06-15 100
APR-HTTP-Headers-Compat 0.02 2009-06-12 100
Lingua-Abbreviate-Hierarchy 0.04 2009-06-05 100
Geo-Coordinates-ITM 0.02 2009-05-30 100
Geo-Gpx 0.26 2009-05-30 100
URI-geo 0.05 2009-05-30 100
XML-Descent 1.04 2009-05-30 100
Data-Object-AutoWrap 0.02 2009-05-30 96.88 no_pod_errors
Data-Find 0.03 2009-05-30 100
Class-Std-Slots 0.31 2009-05-30 100
Acme-6502 0.75 2009-05-30 100
Crypt-PerfectPaperPasswords 0.06 2009-05-30 100
GPS-Babel 0.11 2009-05-30 100
Devel-Ditto 0.06 2009-05-27 100
IPC-ShareLite 0.17 2009-03-11 100
HTML-Tiny 1.05 2009-03-09 100
Set-IntSpan-Fast-XS 0.05 2009-03-09 100
String-Smart 0.4 2009-03-08 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Devel-DTrace 0.11 2009-03-08 100
Set-IntSpan-Fast 1.15 2008-12-10 100
WWW-Plurk 0.02 2008-07-10 100
TAP-Filter 0.04 2008-07-05 100
Sub-Become 0.01 2008-06-11 100
Test-More-Strict 0.02 2008-06-10 100
TextMate-JumpTo 0.07 2008-06-01 100
WWW-TarPipe 0.01 2008-05-09 100
WWW-MySociety-Gaze 0.02 2008-04-17 100
Test-Steering 0.02 2008-03-03 100
Geo-Hash 0.02 2008-02-29 100