Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Recent Releases by ARISTOTLE

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Memoize 1.17 2024-11-17 100
DBIx-Connector 0.60 2024-10-21 100
Lingua-EN-Titlecase-Simple 1.015 2024-10-16 100

CPAN Distributions by ARISTOTLE

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Memoize 1.17 2024-11-17 100
DBIx-Connector 0.60 2024-10-21 100
Lingua-EN-Titlecase-Simple 1.015 2024-10-16 100
Catalyst-Plugin-Flash 0.002 2024-07-07 100
JSON-ToHTML 0.001 2024-04-09 100
Catalyst-ActionRole-Methods 0.104 2024-03-22 100
Plack-Middleware-Static-Precompressed 1.002 2024-03-15 100
Plack-Middleware-NeverExpire 1.201 2024-03-10 100
Text-Tabs+Wrap 2024.001 2024-02-18 96.88 main_module_version_matches_dist_version
Catalyst-Plugin-CachedUriForAction 1.005 2024-02-02 100
Config-INI-Tiny 0.106 2023-07-03 100
Plack-Middleware-SignedCookies 1.204 2023-02-05 100
SQL-PatchDAG 0.110 2023-01-21 100
HTML-Tiny 1.08 2022-09-07 100
Catalyst-Plugin-Digress 1.101 2022-09-07 100
Plack-Middleware-MockProxyFrontend 0.005 2022-09-05 100
Try-Tiny-Tiny 0.005 2022-09-05 100
Sub-ArgShortcut 1.022 2022-09-05 100
XML-Builder 0.907 2022-09-04 100
Plack-Middleware-Rewrite 2.102 2022-09-04 100
Plack-Middleware-RedirectSSL 1.302 2022-09-04 100
Plack-Middleware-Precompressed 1.104 2022-09-04 100
Plack-App-Hostname 1.002 2022-09-04 100
Router-Resource 0.22 2022-09-04 100
Plack-App-Hash 1.001 2022-09-04 100
Proc-Fork 0.808 2022-09-04 100
Class-Observable 2.004 2022-09-04 100
Class-Closure 0.304 2022-09-04 100
Pod-Readme-Brief 1.003 2022-09-04 100
SQL-Interpol 1.104 2022-09-04 100
SQL-Concrete 1.004 2022-09-03 100
PostScript-DecodeGlyphName 0.002 2022-09-02 100
Test-Lives 1.003 2022-09-02 100
Object-Tiny-Lvalue 1.084 2022-09-02 100
Object-Properties 1.003 2022-09-02 100
DBIx-Simple-Interpol 1.007 2022-09-02 100
DBIx-Simple-Concrete 1.007 2022-09-02 100
Test-File-Contents 0.242 2022-09-01 100
UDCode 1.04 2022-08-31 100
Stat-lsMode 0.51 2022-08-17 100
Net-OAuth2Server-PKCE 0.005 2022-08-10 100
XML-Atom-SimpleFeed 0.905 2022-08-10 100
URI-Signature-Tiny 1.005 2022-08-10 100
Parse-MIME 1.006 2022-08-10 100
Parallel-Iterator 1.002 2022-08-10 100
Net-OAuth2Server-TokenExchange 0.004 2022-08-10 100
Net-OAuth2Server-OIDC 0.006 2022-08-10 100
Net-OAuth2Server 0.006 2022-08-10 100
Memoize-Saves 0.700 2022-08-10 100
Catalyst-View-Template 1.103 2022-08-09 100