Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CPAN Distributions by BLUEFEET

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
GitLab-API-v4 0.27 2023-06-08 100
GIS-Distance 0.20 2023-06-08 100
Class-Measure 0.10 2023-06-08 100
GIS-Distance-Fast 0.16 2023-06-08 100
PHP-DateTime 0.09 2023-06-07 100
MooseX-Types-Data-Serializer 0.05 2023-06-07 100
MooX-ChainedAttributes 0.08 2023-06-07 100
Object-Depot 0.04 2021-06-22 96.88 prereq_matches_use
Catalyst-Plugin-Starch 0.08 2021-01-31 100
GitLab-API-v3 1.06 2021-01-30 100
Geo-Distance 0.25 2021-01-30 100
Geo-Coordinates-GMap 0.09 2021-01-30 100
GIS-Distance-GeoEllipsoid 0.13 2021-01-30 100
Data-Xslate 0.09 2021-01-30 100
Data-Serializer-JSON-MaybeXS 0.03 2021-01-30 100
Data-MethodProxy 0.05 2021-01-30 100
Config-Registry 0.04 2021-01-30 100
Config-Locale 0.10 2021-01-30 100
Starch 0.14 2019-05-13 100
Perl-Critic-Policy-Catalyst-ProhibitUnreachableCode 0.02 2019-05-12 100
MooX-BuildArgs 0.08 2019-04-24 100
Perl-Critic-Policy-Moo-ProhibitMakeImmutable 0.06 2019-03-13 100
Games-EveOnline-API 0.10 2019-03-10 100
MooX-PluginKit 0.06 2019-03-06 100
Net-Gitlab 0.09 2019-03-06 100
Perl-Critic-Policy-TryTiny-RequireUse 0.05 2019-03-04 100
Perl-Critic-Policy-TryTiny-RequireBlockTermination 0.03 2019-03-04 100
Starch-Plugin-TimeoutStore 0.09 2019-03-03 100
Starch-Plugin-Sereal 0.04 2019-03-03 100
Starch-Plugin-Net-Statsd 0.05 2019-03-03 100
Starch-Store-DBIx-Connector 0.04 2019-03-03 100
Starch-Store-DBI 0.04 2019-03-03 100
Starch-Store-Catalyst-Plugin-Session 0.05 2019-03-03 100
Starch-Store-CHI 0.05 2019-03-03 100
Starch-Store-Amazon-DynamoDB 0.07 2019-03-03 100
MooX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast 0.06 2019-02-25 100
MooseX-BuildArgs 0.08 2019-02-21 100
Math-FitRect 0.05 2019-02-18 100
MooseX-SingleArg 0.09 2019-02-18 100
MooseX-ExtraArgs 0.02 2019-02-18 100
Types-Git 0.04 2019-02-18 100
Config-MethodProxy 0.02 2016-11-10 100
Template-AutoFilter 0.140770 2014-03-19 100
DBIx-Class-Tree 0.03000 2009-08-19 96.88 no_pod_errors
Acme-Monkey 4.99 2007-06-26 78.12 has_readme,has_manifest,has_meta_yml,has_changelog,has_tests,manifest_matches_dist,prereq_matches_use