Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Recent Releases by CORION

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Text-HTML-Turndown 0.04 2025-02-11 96.88 prereq_matches_use
Text-HTML-Turndown 0.03 2025-02-09 96.88 prereq_matches_use
Text-HTML-Turndown 0.02 2025-02-07 96.88 prereq_matches_use
HTTP-Request-FromCurl 0.55 2025-02-01 100
Text-HTML-Turndown 0.01 2025-01-19 100
perl 5.41.7 2024-12-20 -
parent 0.244 2024-12-14 96.88 has_readme
parent 0.243 2024-11-29 96.88 has_readme
RecentInfo-Manager 0.04 2024-11-09 100
RecentInfo-Manager 0.03 2024-11-04 100
RecentInfo-Manager 0.02 2024-11-04 100
RecentInfo-Manager 0.01 2024-11-03 90.62 has_license_in_source_file,has_abstract_in_pod,prereq_matches_use
Win32API-RecentFiles 0.04 2024-11-01 100
MooX-Role-DBIConnection 0.07 2024-10-06 96.88 buildtool_not_executable
Weather-MOSMIX 0.04 2024-09-28 100
WWW-Mechanize-PhantomJS 0.25 2024-09-24 100
HTTP-Upload-FlowJs 0.02 2024-09-08 100
Time-Slideshow 0.04 2024-09-08 100

CPAN Distributions by CORION

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Text-HTML-Turndown 0.04 2025-02-11 96.88 prereq_matches_use
HTTP-Request-FromCurl 0.55 2025-02-01 100
perl 5.41.7 2024-12-20 -
parent 0.244 2024-12-14 96.88 has_readme
RecentInfo-Manager 0.04 2024-11-09 100
Win32API-RecentFiles 0.04 2024-11-01 100
MooX-Role-DBIConnection 0.07 2024-10-06 96.88 buildtool_not_executable
Weather-MOSMIX 0.04 2024-09-28 100
WWW-Mechanize-PhantomJS 0.25 2024-09-24 100
HTTP-Upload-FlowJs 0.02 2024-09-08 100
Time-Slideshow 0.04 2024-09-08 100
Auth-GoogleAuthenticator 0.04 2024-08-16 96.88 has_license_in_source_file
Test-HTML-Content 0.13 2024-08-16 96.88 buildtool_not_executable
Spreadsheet-ReadSXC 0.39 2024-08-16 100
DBIx-RunSQL 0.25 2024-08-16 100
Test-Without-Module 0.23 2024-07-14 96.88 buildtool_not_executable
Term-Output-List 0.06 2024-06-25 96.88 has_license_in_source_file
MIME-Detect 0.12 2024-06-07 100
Archive-SevenZip 0.20 2024-05-31 100
WWW-Twitch 0.03 2024-04-25 93.75 buildtool_not_executable,has_license_in_source_file
Future-HTTP 0.17 2024-04-12 96.88 prereq_matches_use
AI-Ollama-Client 0.03 2024-04-07 96.88 prereq_matches_use
OpenAPI-PerlGenerator 0.02 2024-04-06 93.75 prereq_matches_use,no_pod_errors
HTTP-Request-Diff 0.07 2024-03-30 100
WWW-Mechanize-Chrome 0.73 2024-03-30 96.88 use_strict
Test-HTTP-LocalServer 0.76 2024-03-04 100
Text-CleanFragment 0.08 2024-01-14 96.88 has_abstract_in_pod
Net-Async-OSC 0.01 2023-09-12 96.88 has_license_in_source_file
HTML-Selector-XPath 0.28 2023-08-07 100
Net-Fritz-Phonebook 0.07 2023-07-26 96.88 prereq_matches_use
Filter-signatures 0.19 2023-07-22 100
MooX-Role-EventEmitter 0.04 2023-07-22 93.75 buildtool_not_executable,has_license_in_source_file
Net-Protocol-OBSRemote 0.02 2023-07-22 96.88 buildtool_not_executable
Archive-Merged 0.03 2023-07-22 100
Filesys-Notify-Win32-ReadDirectoryChanges 0.07 2023-07-22 96.88 buildtool_not_executable
GitHub-RSS 0.04 2023-07-22 90.62 buildtool_not_executable,has_license_in_source_file,prereq_matches_use
WWW-Mechanize-Shell 0.62 2023-07-22 100
Mojo-OBS-Client 0.03 2023-07-22 93.75 buildtool_not_executable,prereq_matches_use
Term-QRCode-Compact 0.02 2023-07-22 93.75 buildtool_not_executable,has_license_in_source_file
Random-PoissonDisc 0.04 2023-07-22 100
SQL-Type-Guess 0.06 2023-07-14 100
Net-Pcap 0.21 2023-01-19 100
Win32-Wlan 0.07 2022-12-03 100
Sniffer-HTTP 0.28 2022-10-21 100
Apache-Tika-Async 0.11 2022-09-14 100
WWW-Mechanize-FormFiller 0.13 2022-08-17 93.75 buildtool_not_executable,use_strict
Speech-Recognition-Vosk 0.01 2022-01-13 90.62 no_files_to_be_skipped,buildtool_not_executable,has_license_in_source_file
DBIx-Spreadsheet 0.04 2021-12-23 93.75 buildtool_not_executable,prereq_matches_use
Encode-DIN66003 0.05 2021-12-07 96.88 use_strict
Mojolicious-Matterbridge 0.02 2021-01-29 96.88 buildtool_not_executable