Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CPAN Distributions by CSSON

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Acme-Resume 0.0109 2022-01-31 96.88 buildtool_not_executable
String-Nudge 1.0002 2021-07-30 100
Pod-Elemental-Transformer-Stenciller 0.0301 2021-07-01 100
Test-EOF 0.0804 2021-04-29 100
Dist-Zilla-MintingProfile-MapMetro-Map 0.1501 2021-03-30 100
Kavorka-TraitFor-Parameter-doc 0.1105 2021-02-28 100
Dist-Iller 0.1411 2021-01-02 100
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Author-CSSON-GithubActions 0.0107 2020-12-31 100
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckForUnwantedFiles 0.0100 2020-12-30 100
Dist-Zilla-MintingProfile-Iller-CSSON 0.0102 2020-12-28 100
Dist-Iller-Config-Author-CSSON 0.0328 2020-12-28 100
Badge-Depot-Plugin-Githubactions 0.0100 2020-12-28 100
Badge-Depot-Plugin-Coverage 0.0102 2020-12-27 100
Pod-Elemental-Transformer-Splint 0.1202 2020-12-27 100
DBIx-Class-Smooth 0.0108 2020-11-30 100
MoopsX-UsingMoose 0.0103 2020-07-29 100
String-Cushion 1.0000 2020-05-01 100
Task-BeLike-CSSON 0.0005 2020-04-01 100
Dist-Zilla-App-Command-coverh 0.0101 2020-03-01 100
Map-Metro-Plugin-Map-Amsterdam 0.1103 2019-12-01 100
Map-Metro-Plugin-Map-Copenhagen 0.2007 2019-10-31 100
Map-Metro-Plugin-Map-Lille 0.1003 2019-09-30 100
Map-Metro-Plugin-Map-Stockholm 0.1973 2019-08-29 100
Mojolicious-Plugin-BootstrapHelpers 0.0206 2019-06-25 100
Map-Metro-Plugin-Map-Madrid 0.1002 2019-06-01 100
Map-Metro-Plugin-Map-Brussels 0.1002 2019-05-01 100
Map-Metro-Plugin-Map-Barcelona 0.1008 2019-04-01 100
Map-Metro-Plugin-Map-Budapest 0.1002 2019-02-28 100
MooseX-AttributeDocumented 0.1004 2019-01-31 100
DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Geo 0.0100 2018-10-28 100
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PkgVersion-Block 0.0200 2018-08-27 100
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-EOF 0.0600 2018-08-01 100
OpenGbg 0.1404 2018-05-19 100
Badge-Depot-Plugin-Gratipay 0.0103 2018-01-30 100
String-Stomp 0.0103 2018-01-01 100
Syntax-Collection-Basic 0.0601 2017-11-01 100
App-Map-Metro 0.0200 2017-10-01 100
Syntax-Feature-Qs 1.0000 2017-02-12 100
Map-Metro-Plugin-Map-Helsinki 0.1987 2016-10-30 100
Mojolicious-Plugin-DbicSchemaViewer 0.0200 2016-09-21 100
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ChangeStats-Dependencies-Git 0.0200 2016-09-20 100
DBIx-Class-Visualizer 0.0200 2016-09-20 100
CairoX-Sweet 0.0200 2016-08-23 100
Badge-Depot-Plugin-Kwalitee 0.0103 2016-08-13 100
Badge-Depot-Plugin-Cpantesters 0.0102 2016-08-12 100
Map-Metro 0.2405 2016-07-23 100
Test-Mojo-Trim 0.1000 2016-07-22 100
Task-MapMetro-Maps 0.1302 2016-05-15 100
Syntax-Feature-Qi 1.0000 2016-04-16 100
Badge-Depot-Plugin-Travis 0.0203 2016-04-10 100