Dave Lambley (DLAMBLEY)
- Name
- Dave Lambley
- dave@lambley.me.uk
- Last Release
- 2024-12-11
- Last New Release
- 2020-06-29
- CPAN Distributions
- 18
- Core Kwalitee
- 98.35
- CPANTS Ranking
- 581
Recent Releases by DLAMBLEY
Name | Version | Released | Kwalitee | Core Fails |
DBIx-Class-Storage-DBI-MariaDB | 0.1.1_1 | 2024-12-11 | 96.88 | has_readme |
DBI-Shell | 11.98 | 2024-08-19 | 100.00 | none |
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries
CPAN Distributions by DLAMBLEY
Name | Version | Released | Kwalitee | Core Fails |
DBIx-Class-Storage-DBI-MariaDB | 0.1.1_1 (not latest) | 2024-12-11 | 96.88 | has_readme |
DBI-Shell | 11.98 | 2024-08-19 | 100.00 | none |
Linux-PipeMagic | 0.05 | 2022-06-24 | 100.00 | none |
Date-Pcalc | 6.2 | 2021-04-23 | 93.75 | main_module_version_matches_dist_version and others |
Text-Mrkdwn-Escape | 0.01 | 2020-06-29 | 100.00 | none |
AnyEvent-RabbitMQ | 1.22 | 2020-06-13 | 100.00 | none |
App-RetroPAN | 0.03_01 | 2020-04-29 | 100.00 | none |
Net-Telnet | 3.04_01 (not latest) | 2020-02-17 | 100.00 | none |
MogileFS-Plugin-FileRefs | 0.10 | 2019-12-15 | 100.00 | none |
RTF-Encode | 1.01_01 | 2019-11-09 | 100.00 | none |
MogileFS-Client-Async | 0.031 | 2019-06-20 | 90.62 | has_license_in_source_file and others |
Net-ThreeScale-Client | 2.1.7 | 2017-07-27 | 100.00 | none |
MooseX-Types-GTIN | 0.03 | 2014-09-21 | 93.75 | has_human_readable_license and others |
Data-Edit | 0.02 | 2014-09-21 | 100.00 | none |
MogileFS-Plugin-RandomWrites | 0.05 | 2013-01-15 | 96.88 | manifest_matches_dist |
Message-Passing-AMQP-Proxy | 0.002 | 2012-08-03 | 96.88 | meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec |
MooseX-Types-ISO8601 | 0.11 (not latest) | 2012-05-12 | 100.00 | none |
ShipIt-Step-JenkinsCheck | 0.01 | 2012-03-09 | 100.00 | none |
Showing 1 to 18 of 18 entries