Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Recent Releases by DMUEY

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Locale-Maketext-Utils 0.43 2024-11-16 96.88 use_strict

CPAN Distributions by DMUEY

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Locale-Maketext-Utils 0.43 2024-11-16 96.88 use_strict
File-Path-Tiny 1.0 2021-02-05 100
Devel-Kit 0.82 2020-10-24 100
App-Kit 0.63 2020-10-24 93.75 no_pax_headers,use_strict
IPC-Open3-Utils 0.92 2020-10-23 100
IO-Socket-ByteCounter 0.3 2020-10-22 100
Perl-Phase 0.03 2020-01-30 100
Term-Clear 0.01 2020-01-22 100
File-Copy-Recursive 0.45 2019-07-23 100
Unix-PID-Tiny 0.95 2019-05-01 100
String-UnicodeUTF8 0.23 2019-04-30 100
App-Task 0.03 2019-04-26 100
Git-Repository-Plugin-Dirty 0.01 2018-01-19 100
Dancer2-Plugin-Locale 0.07 2017-07-01 100
Text-Extract-MaketextCallPhrases 0.94 2017-02-17 100
Test-Mock-Cmd 0.7 2016-12-16 100
Authen-Libwrap 0.23 2016-11-14 93.75 has_human_readable_license,has_license_in_source_file
cPanel-RESTivus 0.01 2016-06-09 100
Locales 0.34 2016-01-16 96.88 use_strict
Dancer2-Plugin-Growler 0.03 2015-09-11 100
Acme-AllThePerlIsAStage 0.01 2015-05-14 100
Lchmod 0.02 2015-01-06 100
FFI-Me 0.01 2015-01-04 100
Mail-GcalReminder 0.5 2014-12-29 96.88 no_mymeta_files
Acme-Tiny 0.6 2014-08-24 93.75 use_strict,main_module_version_matches_dist_version
Throw-Back 0.01 2014-08-04 100
Race-Condition 0.01 2014-08-04 100
Game-RockPaperScissorsLizardSpock 0.01 2014-06-26 100
Text-Fold 0.5 2014-04-10 100
Role-Multiton 0.2 2013-11-12 100
Net-Detect 0.3 2013-11-08 100
Module-Want 0.6 2013-10-26 100
Test-CPAN-README 0.2 2013-09-30 100
Acme-ChuckNorris 0.3 2013-09-28 100
Unix-Whereis 0.1 2013-08-28 100
Authen-Simple-Gmail 0.2 2013-08-24 100
Test-Detect 0.1 2013-08-02 100
Digest-MD5-File 0.08 2012-04-07 100
lib-findbin 0.2 2012-04-07 100
lib-tiny 0.7 2012-03-31 96.88 use_strict
File-Tail-App 0.4 2012-02-12 100
Mac-SysProfile 0.05 2011-11-23 100
IO-Interactive-Tiny 0.2 2011-11-23 96.88 use_strict
Unix-PID 0.23 2011-04-05 93.75 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec,use_strict
cPanel-SyncUtil 0.7 2011-01-27 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
String-Unquotemeta 0.1 2010-12-24 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Test-Carp 0.2 2010-11-18 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
String-BOM 0.3 2010-08-06 93.75 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec,use_strict
Perl-ImportReport 0.1 2010-08-03 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Class-Action 0.4 2010-05-23 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec