Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CPAN Distributions by ELLIOTJS

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Module-Used v1.3.0 2012-08-28 100
Perl-Critic 1.116 2011-05-16 100
MooseX-Accessors-ReadWritePrivate v1.4.0 2011-05-04 100
PPIx-Utilities 1.001000 2010-12-02 100
MooseX-Getopt-Defanged v1.18.0 2010-09-09 100
Task-Perl-Critic-IncludingOptionalDependencies 1.005 2010-06-27 100
Perl-Critic-Deprecated 1.108 2010-06-24 93.75 buildtool_not_executable,prereq_matches_use
PPIx-Shorthand v1.2.0 2010-03-15 100
Perl-Critic-Moose 0.999_002 2009-05-16 100
TeamCity-BuildMessages v0.999.3 2009-02-04 96.88 buildtool_not_executable
Task-Perl-Critic 1.007 2008-08-12 100
PPIx-Grep v0.0.6 2008-07-07 100
Perl-Critic-Compatibility 1.001 2008-06-18 96.88 prereq_matches_use
Perl-Critic-More 1.000 2008-05-27 100
Perl-Critic-Swift v1.0.3 2008-05-04 100
Weather-Underground-StationHistory v1.0.5 2008-04-08 100
Acme-MetaSyntactic-vim v1.0.1 2008-03-16 100
Acme-MetaSyntactic-nethack v1.0.1 2008-03-16 100