Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CPAN Distributions by EWILHELM

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
JSON-ON v0.0.3 2013-06-27 100
Time-dt v0.0.1 2013-06-04 100
Getopt-AsDocumented v0.0.2 2013-06-03 100
Getopt-Base v0.0.3 2013-06-03 100
File-Fu v0.0.8 2013-06-03 100
Postal-US-State v0.0.1 2010-06-22 100
CAD-Format-STL v0.2.1 2010-04-05 100
Linux-USBKeyboard 0.04 2009-12-08 100
Combust-Spontaneously v0.0.1 2009-09-08 100
Text-Slidez v0.0.1 2009-08-12 100
Shebangml v0.0.1 2009-08-12 100
XML-Bits v0.0.1 2009-08-12 100
Tree-Base v0.10.2 2009-08-12 100
HTTP-Server-Simple-Er v0.0.4 2009-08-09 100
Time-Mock v0.0.2 2009-07-16 100
Class-Accessor-Classy v0.9.1 2009-07-14 100
Date-Piece v0.0.3 2009-06-26 100
aliased-factory v0.0.1 2009-05-26 100
Module-Build 0.33 2009-05-04 100
Getopt-Abridged v0.0.1 2009-02-02 100
VCfs v0.0.1 2009-02-01 100
Devel-TraceDeps v0.0.3 2009-02-01 96.88 use_strict
Devel-NoGlobalSig v0.0.1 2009-01-08 100
Graph-ChainBuilder v0.0.2 2009-01-06 100
bin-wxcat v0.0.1 2008-08-30 100
List-oo v0.2.1 2008-06-08 100
CAD-Calc 0.27 2008-05-06 100
Math-Round-Var v1.0.0 2008-03-10 100
ApacheLog-Parser v0.0.1 2008-02-19 100
sleepserver v0.0.1 2008-02-17 93.75 has_human_readable_license,has_license_in_source_file
Device-SerialPins v0.0.2 2007-10-22 100
lambda v0.0.1 2007-10-11 100
Module-Finder v0.1.5 2007-07-17 100
Math-Geometry-Planar-Offset 1.05 2007-07-15 100
Math-Vec 1.01 2007-05-30 100
dotReader v0.11.2 2007-04-23 96.88 main_module_version_matches_dist_version
wxPerl-Constructors v0.0.4 2007-04-23 100
wxPerl-Styles v0.0.1 2007-04-22 100
Package-Tent v0.0.1 2007-02-20 100
Getopt-Helpful 0.04 2006-06-05 100
CAD-Drawing-Template 0.01 2006-03-18 100
CAD-Drawing-IO-Tk 0.04 2006-03-18 100
CAD-Drawing-IO-PostScript 0.03 2006-03-18 100
CAD-Drawing-IO-PgDB 0.03 2006-03-18 100
CAD-Drawing-IO-OpenDWG 0.22 2006-03-18 100
CAD-Drawing-IO-Image 0.02 2006-03-18 100
CAD-Drawing-GUI 0.01_01 2006-03-18 100
CAD-Drawing 0.26 2006-03-18 100
CAD-Drawing-IO-DWGI 0.12 2006-03-05 100
Math-Geometry-Planar-GPC-Polygon 0.05 2004-07-22 100