Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Recent Releases by IVANWILLS

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
App-VTide v1.0.6 2024-12-23 96.88 manifest_matches_dist

CPAN Distributions by IVANWILLS

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
App-VTide v1.0.6 2024-12-23 96.88 manifest_matches_dist
Getopt-Alt v0.5.5 2023-10-29 100
App-Git-Workflow-Command-Take 0.8 2023-10-01 96.88 manifest_matches_dist
App-MultiSsh 0.26 2023-01-02 100
Group-Git-Cmd-Stats v0.0.4 2022-11-13 100
App-Git-Workflow v1.1.20 2022-08-05 100
App-TemplateCMD v0.6.12 2022-06-06 100
File-TypeCategories v0.8.2 2022-03-07 100
File-CodeSearch v0.7.6 2022-02-01 100
Group-Git v0.7.7 2021-12-10 100
VCS-Which v0.6.9 2021-07-04 100
App-PS1 0.08 2021-06-02 100
App-watchdo v0.1.1 2020-12-07 100
App-diffdir 0.9 2019-08-24 100
App-aptperl v0.0.4 2019-06-16 100
App-BambooCli v0.0.1 2019-06-07 100
Data-Context-Loader-DB v0.0.1 2019-06-02 100
App-used v0.1.0 2019-05-25 100
Group-Git-Cmd-SinceRelease v0.0.12 2019-05-14 100
App-BitBucketCli 0.009 2019-04-13 100
SVG-Calendar v0.3.14 2019-01-29 100
Group-Git-Cmd-Ivan v0.0.4 2019-01-19 100
App-Devmode2 0.9 2019-01-01 100
App-chkfacl 0.5 2018-12-15 100
Tail-Tool v0.4.8 2018-11-23 100
WebService-SonarQube 0.10 2018-10-30 100
Data-Context 0.3 2018-10-15 100
Data-Context-BEM v0.1.1 2018-09-24 100
Group-Git-Cmd-Todo v0.0.4 2018-09-16 100
App-Git-Workflow-Command-Cat 0.3 2018-09-09 100
App-filewatch 0.005 2018-08-05 100
App-Git-Workflow-Extra 0.4 2018-05-27 100
App-Git-Workflow-Command-BranchConflicts 0.6 2018-05-07 100
App-Git-Workflow-Command-SinceRelease 0.4 2018-04-15 100
App-JenkinsCli 0.013 2018-03-19 100
Group-Git-Taggers-Maven v0.0.3 2018-02-20 100
Group-Git-Taggers-Perl v0.0.4 2018-02-12 100
Group-Git-Taggers-Node v0.0.3 2018-01-23 100
Group-Git-Taggers-Ruby v0.0.5 2017-11-24 100
MooseX-Exception-Base 0.0.6 2016-02-28 100
Game-Life-NDim v0.0.4 2015-09-09 96.88 no_files_to_be_skipped
W3C-SOAP-WADL 0.007 2015-09-05 96.88 no_files_to_be_skipped
W3C-SOAP 0.14 2015-09-04 100
App-cpanreports 0.004 2015-08-07 100
Log-Deep v0.3.5 2015-07-27 96.88 no_files_to_be_skipped
Event-ScreenSaver v0.0.6 2015-01-27 96.88 no_files_to_be_skipped
Catalyst-Plugin-LogDeep v0.0.4 2015-01-10 100
Types-XMLSchema 0.01 2014-09-28 100
App-devmode v0.0.8 2014-09-15 96.88 no_files_to_be_skipped