Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CPAN Distributions by JHI

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Time-HiRes 1.9758 2018-03-22 100
String-Approx 3.28 2017-04-16 100
BSD-Resource 1.2911 2017-04-10 100
Statistics-Shannon 0.05 2016-03-14 100
Statistics-Simpson 0.03 2016-03-14 100
PPI-Xref 0.010 2016-01-30 90.62 has_changelog,has_license_in_source_file,use_strict
Graph 0.9704 2015-10-07 100
Statistics-Frequency 0.04 2015-08-25 100
Set-Scalar 1.26 2013-06-18 100
Math-Complex 1.56 2009-02-09 93.75 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec,has_readme
Acme-Ook 0.11 2006-12-07 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Regex-PreSuf 1.17 2006-02-27 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Devel-CallStack 0.19 2005-01-28 100
String-Scanf 2.1 2004-05-08 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
metaconfig-for-Perl 5.8.1 2003-09-30 65.62 has_manifest,has_meta_yml,has_buildtool,has_changelog,no_symlinks,has_tests,has_human_readable_license,has_license_in_source_file,manifest_matches_dist,has_abstract_in_pod,main_module_version_matches_dist_version
perl 5.8.1 2003-09-25 -
Statistics-DEA 0.04 2002-08-18 93.55 has_readme,has_meta_yml
Lingua-FI-Transcribe 0.03 2002-08-08 - extractable
Class-Privacy 0.03 2002-06-22 - extractable
Lingua-FI-Kontti 0.02 2001-11-04 - extractable
Lingua-FI-Hyphenate 0.04 2001-10-23 - extractable