Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CPAN Distributions by LBROCARD

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
App-Twimap 0.03 2013-06-16 100
WWW-UsePerl-Server 0.36 2012-05-06 96.88 has_tests
Archive-Extract-Libarchive 0.38 2012-02-14 100
CPAN-Unpack 0.31 2012-01-26 100
Net-Azure-BlobService 0.35 2012-01-10 96.88 has_tests
Net-VNC 0.40 2011-10-29 96.88 has_license_in_source_file
Archive-Peek-Libarchive 0.37 2011-10-09 100
Archive-Peek-External 0.35 2011-10-06 100
Archive-Peek 0.35 2011-09-27 100
JS-Data-Page 0.02 2011-08-21 93.75 has_tests,has_abstract_in_pod
CPAN-Webserver 0.01 2011-08-14 96.88 has_tests
CPAN-Mirror-Finder 0.01 2011-08-14 96.88 has_tests
JSON-YAJL 0.10 2011-08-05 100
Language-Functional 0.05 2011-07-24 100
LWP-ConnCache-MaxKeepAliveRequests 0.33 2011-07-23 100
Compress-LZMA-External 0.37 2011-07-19 100
Acme-Buffy 1.6 2011-07-19 93.75 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec,buildtool_not_executable
perl 5.12.4 2011-06-20 -
Net-Amazon-S3 0.53 2010-03-30 100
Net-Cassandra 0.35 2010-02-01 100
Net-Amazon-S3-Client-GPG 0.33 2010-01-17 100
Dackup 0.44 2010-01-11 100
Net-FleetDB 0.33 2010-01-08 100
Test-WWW-Mechanize-PSGI 0.35 2010-01-06 100
Net-Amazon-SimpleQueue 0.30 2010-01-04 96.88 has_tests
CPAN-Mini-Live 0.33 2009-12-09 96.88 has_tests
App-Cache 0.37 2009-12-09 100
Data-Page 2.02 2009-12-08 96.88 no_files_to_be_skipped
Image-Imlib2 2.03 2009-11-25 100
Email-Send-Gandi 0.34 2009-09-07 100
Image-Imlib2-Thumbnail 0.40 2009-08-25 100
Catalyst-Plugin-CookiedSession 0.35 2009-08-19 100
Catalyst-Plugin-SimpleAuth 0.33 2009-08-11 100
Bisect-Perl-UsingGit 0.33 2009-08-06 96.88 has_readme
Parse-CPAN-Ratings 0.33 2009-07-02 100
WWW-Gazetteer-Getty 0.11 2009-06-24 100
WWW-Gazetteer 0.24 2009-06-24 100
Data-UUID-Base64URLSafe 0.34 2009-06-24 96.88 no_pod_errors
Net-MythWeb 0.33 2009-06-22 100
Net-MythTV 0.33 2009-06-12 100
Net-Mosso-CloudFiles 0.43 2009-05-31 100
Parse-CPAN-Packages 2.31 2009-04-23 100
Git-PurePerl 0.41 2009-04-22 100
Net-LastFM 0.34 2009-04-21 100
CPAN-Mini-Webserver 0.45 2009-04-08 100
Image-WorldMap 0.15 2008-12-13 100
GraphViz 2.04 2008-12-13 100
Games-GuessWord 0.16 2008-12-13 100
Fir 0.33 2008-12-13 100
Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst 0.45 2008-11-25 100