Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CPAN Distributions by MARCEL

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
App-perlfind 2.07 2015-05-22 100
App-Benchmark-Accessors 2.00 2015-01-02 93.75 has_readme,prereq_matches_use
App-Benchmark 2.00 2015-01-02 96.88 has_readme
CatalystX-Crudite 0.21 2014-01-17 93.75 use_strict,prereq_matches_use
Hash-Rename 2.00 2013-12-31 100
Web-Library-BackboneJS 0.01 2013-12-15 100
Web-Library-D3 0.02 2013-12-15 100
Web-Library-Bootstrap 0.05 2013-12-15 100
Web-Library-UnderscoreJS 0.04 2013-12-15 100
App-pathed 0.07 2013-09-16 100
Brickyard 2.0.0 2013-08-14 100
Web-Library 0.06 2013-08-12 93.75 use_strict,prereq_matches_use
Web-Library-jQueryUI 0.04 2013-08-12 100
Web-Library-DataTables 0.04 2013-08-12 100
Web-Library-jQuery 0.03 2013-08-12 100
Bash-Completion-Plugins-VimTag 2.00 2013-02-09 90.62 has_human_readable_license,has_license_in_source_file,no_pod_errors
dip 1.17 2012-03-04 100
Pod-Wordlist-hanekomu 1.113620 2011-12-29 100
DB-Pluggable 1.112001 2011-07-20 100
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PortabilityTests 1.111840 2011-07-03 100
DB-Pluggable-StackTraceAsHTML 1.111750 2011-06-25 96.88 main_module_version_matches_dist_version
Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-MARCEL 1.111750 2011-06-25 100
Class-Accessor-Constructor 1.111590 2011-06-08 100
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PodSpellingTests 1.111520 2011-06-01 100
App-sync_cpantesters 1.111470 2011-05-28 100
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bugtracker 1.111080 2011-04-18 100
Class-Null 2.110730 2011-03-14 100
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReportVersions 1.110730 2011-03-14 100
Pod-Markdown 1.110730 2011-03-14 100
Vim-Tag 1.110690 2011-03-11 100
Error-Return 1.110510 2011-02-20 100
Class-Value-Net 1.110250 2011-01-25 100
Pod-Weaver-Section-Availability 1.110091 2011-01-09 100
Task-BeLike-hanekomu 1.103620 2010-12-28 100
Error-Hierarchy 1.103530 2010-12-20 100
Devel-SearchINC 2.103460 2010-12-12 100
Data-Conveyor 1.103130 2010-11-09 100
Data-Storage 1.102720 2010-09-29 100
Pod-Weaver-Section-BugsAndLimitations 1.102670 2010-09-25 100
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-FindDirByRegex 1.102640 2010-09-21 100
Pod-Weaver-PluginBundle-MARCEL 1.102460 2010-09-03 100
Class-Scaffold 1.102280 2010-08-17 100
File-Find-Upwards 1.102030 2010-07-22 100
Data-Semantic-Net 1.101760 2010-06-25 100
Getopt-Attribute 2.101700 2010-06-19 100
Attribute-TieClasses 1.101700 2010-06-19 100
Text-Pipe-Encoding 1.101700 2010-06-19 100
Net-IP-Match 1.101700 2010-06-19 100
Mail-Field-Received 0.26 2010-06-18 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Data-Semantic 1.101620 2010-06-11 100