Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Recent Releases by OLEG

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Regru-API 0.053 2024-10-30 100

CPAN Distributions by OLEG

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Regru-API 0.053 2024-10-30 100
Parse-SNI 0.10 2024-01-23 100
Mojo-SMTP-Client 0.20 2023-04-17 100
Data-JSONSchema-Ajv 0.09 2020-01-29 96.88 use_strict
LWP-UserAgent-Cached 0.08 2019-11-30 100
Net-DNS-Native 0.22 2019-10-30 100
WebService-Antigate 0.12 2019-05-31 100
AnyEvent-Google-PageRank 0.05 2019-01-16 100
AnyEvent-Whois-Raw 0.08 2018-10-01 100
Bootylicious 1.14 2017-05-05 84.38 has_readme,no_files_to_be_skipped,has_human_readable_license,has_license_in_source_file,use_strict
IO-Socket-Socks 0.74 2017-05-05 100
IO-Socket-Socks-Wrapper 0.17 2017-02-17 96.88 use_strict
Net-HTTPS-NB 0.15 2016-08-26 100
proxyhunter 0.03 2016-03-10 93.75 use_strict,main_module_version_matches_dist_version
Coro-PatchSet 0.13 2016-03-10 100
Net-Proxy-Type 0.09 2016-03-10 100
HTTP-Cookies-PhantomJS 0.02 2015-11-07 100
Parse-JCONF 0.05 2015-07-25 100
MIME-Lite-Generator 0.02 2015-03-10 100
AnyEvent-HTTP-Socks 0.05 2015-01-23 100
Mojolicious-Plugin-TagHelpers-NoCaching 0.05 2015-01-19 100
JCONF-Writer 0.03 2014-07-29 96.88 has_changelog
App-ProxyHunter-Model-Schema-SQLite 0.01 2014-01-26 100
App-ProxyHunter-Model-Schema-Pg 0.01 2014-01-26 100
App-ProxyHunter-Model-Schema-mysql 0.01 2014-01-26 100