Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Recent Releases by PERIGRIN

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Alien-DuckDB 0.01 2024-11-26 96.88 prereq_matches_use
Raylib-FFI 0.02 2024-11-23 96.88 no_pod_errors
Alien-raylib5 0.02 2024-11-23 93.75 manifest_matches_dist,prereq_matches_use
Alien-raylib5 0.01 2024-11-23 84.38 extracts_nicely,no_pax_headers,manifest_matches_dist,use_strict,prereq_matches_use

CPAN Distributions by PERIGRIN

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Alien-DuckDB 0.01 2024-11-26 96.88 prereq_matches_use
Raylib-FFI 0.02 2024-11-23 96.88 no_pod_errors
Alien-raylib5 0.02 2024-11-23 93.75 manifest_matches_dist,prereq_matches_use
XML-SemanticDiff 1.0007 2018-08-16 100
XML-SAX-Writer 0.57 2017-07-18 100
XML-NamespaceSupport 1.12_9 2017-06-30 100
HTTP-Thin-UserAgent 0.016 2016-01-21 96.88 prereq_matches_use
XML-NamespaceFactory 1.02 2014-07-03 100
HTTP-Thin 0.006 2014-04-22 96.88 use_strict
Crixa 0.05 2014-04-09 93.75 has_license_in_source_file,has_abstract_in_pod
JSON-Any 1.32 2013-11-08 96.88 no_pod_errors
XML-SAX-Machines 0.46 2013-08-20 93.75 use_strict,no_pod_errors
XML-Toolkit 0.15 2012-04-04 96.88 no_pod_errors
Algorithm-Paxos 0.001 2012-01-04 93.75 use_strict,no_pod_errors
Devel-PackagePath 0.03 2011-06-10 93.75 no_mymeta_files,no_pod_errors
Adam 0.09 2011-05-15 93.75 no_mymeta_files,use_strict
MooseX-POE 0.211 2010-12-06 96.88 use_strict
Git-Wrapper 0.014 2010-11-13 100
Task-SDK-Perigrin 0.05 2010-10-05 93.75 has_readme,no_generated_files
Gitosis-Config 0.06 2009-08-27 100
Moose-Tiny 0.04 2009-06-15 96.88 has_readme
XML-AutoWriter 0.4 2009-06-12 87.5 has_readme,buildtool_not_executable,no_broken_auto_install,no_pod_errors
MooseX-Workers 0.05 2009-04-28 96.88 has_readme
Wiki-Toolkit-Formatter-Markdown 0.0.4 2008-12-22 100
MooseX-Async 0.07 2008-11-13 90.62 no_files_to_be_skipped,manifest_matches_dist,use_strict
Nginx-Control 0.01 2008-09-29 93.75 manifest_matches_dist,use_strict
Regexp-Common-IRC 0.04 2008-03-08 96.88 no_broken_auto_install
Net-AIML 0.0.5 2007-12-24 93.75 no_generated_files,no_broken_auto_install
Acme-Dahut-Call 0.03 2007-09-19 93.75 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec,no_broken_auto_install
XML-CommonNS 0.06 2007-02-16 100