Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CPAN Distributions by SPOON

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
PHP-Strings 0.27 2003-12-11 90.62 no_broken_module_install,no_broken_auto_install,no_pod_errors
Email-Thread 0.68 2003-12-11 96.88 use_strict
WWW-Mechanize-Cached 1.23 2003-12-01 100
WWW-Yahoo-Groups 1.91 2003-12-01 93.75 use_strict,no_pod_errors
DateTime-Format-Builder 0.78 2003-12-01 96.88 no_broken_module_install
DateTime-Format-IBeat 0.16 2003-12-01 96.88 no_pod_errors
WWW-Shorten 1.88 2003-11-13 96.88 use_strict
DateTime-Format-Mail 0.29 2003-10-22 100
DateTime-Format-Excel 0.29 2003-10-11 100
DateTime-Format-HTTP 0.35 2003-08-16 100
Test-Signature 1.05 2003-08-01 100
Time-TAI64 1.8 2002-08-26 90.62 has_readme,has_meta_yml,has_changelog
Net-Starnet-DataAccounting 1.2 2002-02-03 93.75 has_meta_yml,has_changelog
WWW-Page-Author 1.2 2002-02-03 93.75 has_meta_yml,has_changelog
WWW-Page-Modified 1.2 2002-02-03 93.75 has_meta_yml,has_changelog