Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Recent Releases by STEVEB

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Net-Domain-Parts 0.04 2025-01-22 93.75 no_pax_headers,has_readme
Net-Domain-Parts 0.03 2025-01-22 93.75 no_pax_headers,has_readme
Net-Domain-Parts 0.02 2025-01-22 93.75 no_pax_headers,has_readme
Net-Domain-Parts 0.01 2025-01-22 93.75 no_pax_headers,has_readme

CPAN Distributions by STEVEB

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Net-Domain-Parts 0.04 2025-01-22 93.75 no_pax_headers,has_readme
Async-Event-Interval 1.13 2024-03-05 100
Hook-Output-Tiny 1.02 2023-07-04 100
Net-DynDNS-GoDaddy 0.04 2022-11-24 96.88 has_readme
File-Edit-Portable 1.26 2022-11-15 96.88 no_files_to_be_skipped
IPC-Shareable 1.13 2022-10-12 96.88 has_license_in_source_file
Tesla-API 1.02 2022-07-20 96.88 has_readme
Tesla-Vehicle 0.08 2022-07-19 96.88 has_readme
Addr-MyIP 0.05 2022-05-18 96.88 has_readme
Net-MyIP 0.04 2022-05-14 96.88 has_readme
Dist-Mgr 1.13 2022-05-12 93.75 no_pax_headers,no_files_to_be_skipped
Sub-Remove 0.01 2022-02-22 96.88 has_readme
Devel-Trace-Subs 0.24 2022-02-10 96.88 no_files_to_be_skipped
Github-Backup 1.04 2021-11-15 100
Devel-Examine-Subs 1.74 2021-10-12 96.88 no_files_to_be_skipped
Script-Singleton 0.03 2021-08-20 96.88 has_readme
Word-Rhymes 1.04 2021-01-16 96.88 has_readme
Geo-Compass-Direction 1.01 2020-12-20 100
Geo-Compass-Variation 1.06 2020-12-17 100
Module-Installed 1.02 2020-12-16 100
Syntax-Check 1.05 2020-12-16 100
RPi-WiringPi 2.3633_03 2019-11-19 96.88 no_files_to_be_skipped
RPi-ADC-MCP3008 2.3605 2019-11-19 96.88 no_files_to_be_skipped
RPi-GPIOExpander-MCP23017 1.02 2019-10-24 100
GPSD-Parse 1.03 2019-10-24 100
RPi-Pin 2.3608 2019-10-20 100
Test-BrewBuild 2.22 2019-10-20 93.75 no_files_to_be_skipped,use_strict
RPi-LCD 2.3604 2019-09-21 100
RPi-Serial 3.00 2019-08-03 100
RF-HC12 0.01 2019-08-03 100
RPi-EEPROM-AT24C32 0.01 2019-06-29 100
RPi-I2C 2.3608 2019-06-28 96.88 no_files_to_be_skipped
RPi-SysInfo 1.00 2019-06-22 100
RPi-StepperMotor 2.3605 2019-06-20 100
RPi-OLED-SSD1306-128_64 2.3603 2019-06-07 100
RPi-WiringPi-Constant 1.02 2018-10-27 100
RPi-SPI 2.3609 2018-10-04 100
RPi-DHT11 1.04 2018-06-08 100
RPi-Const 1.04 2018-06-06 100
RPi-RTC-DS3231 0.01 2018-05-29 100
WiringPi-API 2.3616 2018-03-28 100
Plugin-Simple 1.01 2018-02-12 100
App-CopyrightImage 1.01 2018-02-12 100
WWW-FreeProxyListsCom 1.006 2018-02-08 100
Module-CheckDep-Version 0.09 2017-12-30 100
Test-Module-CheckDep-Version 0.03 2017-12-29 100
Mock-Sub 1.09 2017-12-29 100
App-RPi-EnvUI 0.30 2017-12-22 93.75 no_files_to_be_skipped,use_strict
RPi-HCSR04 2.3604 2017-08-06 100
Bit-Manip-PP 1.07 2017-07-24 100