Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CPAN Distributions by TMTM

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Date-Range 1.41 2011-11-15 100
Text-Context 3.7 2009-07-23 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Text-Context-EitherSide 1.4 2009-05-04 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Class-Data-Inheritable 0.08 2008-01-25 93.75 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec,no_pod_errors
Spreadsheet-Engine 0.14 2008-01-22 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Class-DBI v3.0.17 2007-10-05 100
Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-Simple 1.04 2006-11-05 100
Mail-Thread 2.55 2006-10-30 100
Plucene 1.25 2006-08-27 93.75 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec,no_pod_errors
Tie-Array-Sorted 1.41 2006-08-07 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Template-Plugin-Pagination 0.90 2006-01-16 100
Class-DBI-Plugin-RetrieveAll 1.04 2006-01-16 100
Text-Decorator 1.65 2006-01-16 100
Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-Simple 1.04 2006-01-16 100
Mail-Message-Attachment-Stripper 1.01 2006-01-16 100
CDDB-File 1.05 2005-10-04 100
Bit-Vector-Minimal 1.3 2005-10-04 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Class-DBI-FromCGI 1.00 2005-10-04 100
DBIx-ContextualFetch 1.03 2005-09-27 100
Class-DBI-mysql-FullTextSearch 1.01 2005-09-27 100
URI-Find-Schemeless-Stricter 1.03 2005-09-27 100
CGI-Untaint-date 1.00 2005-09-26 100
Lingua-EN-FindNumber 1.2 2005-09-21 100
Text-CSV-Simple 1.00 2005-09-21 100
CGI-Untaint 1.26 2005-09-21 100
CGI-Untaint-uk_postcode 1.00 2005-09-21 100
CGI-Untaint-creditcard 1.00 2005-09-21 100
CGI-Untaint-asin 1.02 2005-09-20 100
Class-DBI-Search-LIMITed 1.01 2005-09-17 100
Class-DBI-Search-Count 1.00 2005-09-17 100
Class-DBI-AsForm 2.42 2005-09-07 100
Games-Poker-Omaha-Hutchison 1.04 2005-09-07 100
Class-DBI-Untaint 1.00 2005-09-07 100
Radioactive-Decay 1.00 2005-09-07 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec
Data-BT-PhoneBill 1.00 2005-09-07 100
Plucene-Plugin-FileDocument 1.01 2005-09-07 100
Time-Piece-Range 1.2 2005-09-07 100
Data-Paginated 1.01 2005-09-07 100
Ima-DBI 0.34 2005-09-05 100
Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-FromDB 1.00 2005-09-04 100
Games-Boggle 1.01 2005-09-04 100
Object-Attribute-Cached 1.00 2005-09-04 100
Time-Piece-Month 1.00 2005-09-04 100
Class-DBI-mysql 1.00 2005-09-04 100
File-Find-Duplicates 1.00 2005-09-04 100
Class-DBI-DATA-Schema 1.00 2005-09-04 100
CGI-Untaint-url 1.00 2005-09-04 100
Yada-Yada-Yada 1.00 2005-09-04 100
Business-Tax-VAT 1.00 2005-09-03 100
Business-CreditCard-Object 1.00 2005-09-03 96.88 meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec