Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CPAN Distributions by TTKCIAR

Name Version Released Kwalitee Core Fails
Suck-Huggingface 1.00 2023-06-26 93.75 has_license_in_source_file,has_abstract_in_pod
File-Valet 1.11 2023-03-17 100
Weather-PurpleAir-API 0.09 2022-08-05 100
Time-TAI-Simple 1.16 2022-08-05 100
App-FizzBuzz 1.00 2022-04-21 87.5 has_tests,has_license_in_source_file,has_abstract_in_pod,main_module_version_matches_dist_version
App-np05bctl 1.04 2018-06-27 90.62 has_changelog,has_tests,use_strict
Device-Power-Synaccess-NP05B 1.03 2018-06-26 100
device-power-synaccess-np05b 1.01 2018-06-24 96.88 main_module_version_matches_dist_version
Algorithm-CurveFit-Simple 1.03 2018-03-22 96.88 has_license_in_source_file
Text-Prefix 1.01 2017-08-03 96.88 main_module_version_matches_dist_version
Physics-Ballistics 1.03 2017-07-28 100
Linux-Slackware-SystemTests 0.01 2016-08-06 96.88 main_module_version_matches_dist_version
time-tai-simple 1.05 2015-06-23 96.88 main_module_version_matches_dist_version