Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Test-Prereq is used by 10 distributions.
Name Release Date Released by Core Kwalitee
Bundle-BDFOY-20240116 2024-01-17 BDFOY 93.75
Dist-Zilla-BeLike-CSJEWELL-0.994-TRIAL 2021-07-13 CSJEWELL 100
Bio-RNA-RNAaliSplit-v0.11 2019-08-27 MTW 100
Bio-ViennaNGS-v0.19.2 2018-12-11 MTW 93.75
Business-DK-Phonenumber-0.10 2015-08-02 JONASBN 100
CPAN-Mini-Tested-0.23 2014-08-28 BARBIE 100
Text-Truncate-1.06 2014-02-25 ILV 100
Task-BeLike-JONASBN-1.07 2014-01-25 JONASBN 100
Hyper-Developer-0.07 2008-02-19 ACID 96.88
Template-Provider-PAR-0.1.102 2007-09-10 NPW 100