Kwalitee Issues


Make sure that the main module name and version are the same of the distribution.


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: Astro-Catalog-3.9.9/IO/ -- Around line 96: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Astro-Catalog-3.9.9/Query/Query/ -- Around line 44: '=item' outside of any '=over' =over without closing =back Astro-Catalog-3.9.9/Query/Query/ -- Around line 52: '=item' outside of any '=over' Around line 93: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2' Around line 346: '=item' outside of any '=over' Around line 832: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Astro-Catalog-3.9.9/Query/Query/ -- Around line 93: '=item' outside of any '=over' Around line 128: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2' Around line 153: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2' Around line 491: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2' Around line 495: '=item' outside of any '=over' Around line 967: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Astro-Catalog-3.9.9/Transport/ -- Around line 295: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2' Astro-Catalog-3.9.9/Transport/ -- Around line 193: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Define the license if you are using in Build.PL. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade to ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.31.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Tk::AstroCatalog


Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).

Error: 0.01,0.02,0.03,0.11,0.14,1.1,1.10,1.13,1.2,1.22,1.3,1.4,1.52,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).


This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.


Name Abstract Version View
Astro::Catalog A generic API for stellar catalogues 1.52 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::ASCII base class for ASCII-based catalogues. 0.01 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::Astrom Starlink Astrom catalogue I/O for Astro::Catalog. 0.01 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::Binary base class for binary catalogues. 0.01 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::Cluster Input/Output in ARK Cluster format 1.13 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::FINDOFF Catalogue I/O for Astro::Catalog for Starlink FINDOFF. 0.01 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::FITSTable Binary FITS table I/O for Astro::Catalog. 0.01 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::GaiaPick Catalogue reader for GAIA Pick Object files 0.01 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::JCMT JCMT catalogue I/O for Astro::Catalog 0.14 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::SExtractor SExtractor output catalogue I/O for Astro::Catalog. 0.01 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::STL STL catalogue I/O for Astro::Catalog 0.01 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::Simple Simple Input/Output format 1.6 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::TST Standard Tab Separated Table format I/O 0.03 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::UKIRTBS Old format used by UKIRT Bright Star catalogues 0.01 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::IO::VOTable VOTable Input/Output format 1.9 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Query Base class for Astro::Catalog query objects 1.8 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Query::2MASS A query request to the 2MASS Catalog 1.10 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Query::CMC A query request to the SuperCOSMOS catalogue 1.3 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Query::GSC A query request to the GSC Catalog 1.4 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Query::MPC A query request to the Minor Planet Center's Minor Planet Checker. 1.1 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Query::SIMBAD A query request to the SIMBAD database 0.01 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Query::Sesame Object name resolution via SIMBAD 1.6 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Query::SkyCat Generate SkyCat catalogue query clients 0.02 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Query::SuperCOSMOS 1.9 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Query::USNOA2 A query request to the USNO-A2.0 Catalog 1.7 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Query::Vizier A query request to the Vizier catalogs 1.1 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Star A generic star object in a stellar catalogue. 1.22 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Star::Morphology Information about a star's morphology. 1.2 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Transport::REST A base class for REST query modules 1.7 metacpan
Astro::Catalog::Transport::WebService A base class for WebService querys 1.4 metacpan
Tk::AstroCatalog 0.11 metacpan

Other Files

ChangeLog metacpan
IO/Makefile.PL metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
Query/Makefile.PL metacpan
Query/Query/Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
Star/Makefile.PL metacpan
Star/Morphology/Makefile.PL metacpan
TkAstroCatalog/Makefile.PL metacpan
Transport/Makefile.PL metacpan