Kwalitee Issues


Add a MANIFEST to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it (eg "make manifest" or "./Build manifest")


Add a Changelog (best named 'Changes') to the distribution. It should list at least major changes implemented in newer versions.


Add tests!


Change the permissions of Build.PL/Makefile.PL to not-executable.


Run a proper command ("make manifest" or "./Build manifest", maybe with a force option), or use a distribution builder to generate the MANIFEST. Or update MANIFEST manually.

Error: Cannot find MANIFEST in dist.


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: Lab::Connection::Socket, Lab::Exception, Lab::Exception::Base, Lab::Generic, Lab::Measurement::KeyboardHandling


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/Bus/ -- Around line 544: Expected '=item *' Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/Bus/ -- Around line 556: Expected '=item *' Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/ -- Around line 483: Expected '=item *' Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/Data/ -- Around line 194: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'unterstützt'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/Data/ -- Around line 353: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Schröer'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/Data/ -- Around line 701: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Schröer'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/Instrument/ -- Around line 1051: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Hüttel'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/Instrument/ -- Around line 580: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Hüttel'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/Instrument/ -- Around line 248: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Schröer'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/Instrument/ -- Around line 314: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Hüttel'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/Instrument/ -- Around line 72: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Hüttel'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/Measurement/Changes.pod -- Around line 9: '=item' outside of any '=over' Around line 18: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2' Around line 20: '=item' outside of any '=over' Around line 32: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2' Around line 34: '=item' outside of any '=over' Around line 38: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/ -- Around line 435: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Schröer'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/XPRESS/Sweep/ -- Around line 261: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Geißler'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/XPRESS/Sweep/ -- Around line 369: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Geißler'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/XPRESS/Sweep/ -- Around line 326: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Geißler'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/XPRESS/Sweep/ -- Around line 261: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Geißler'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/XPRESS/Sweep/ -- Around line 261: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Geißler'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/XPRESS/Sweep/ -- Around line 261: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Geißler'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/XPRESS/Sweep/ -- Around line 158: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Geißler'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/XPRESS/Sweep/ -- Around line 1587: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Geißler'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/XPRESS/Sweep/ -- Around line 486: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Geißler'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/XPRESS/Sweep/ -- Around line 204: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Geißler'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/XPRESS/Sweep/ -- Around line 355: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Geißler'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/lib/Lab/XPRESS/Xpression/ -- Around line 416: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Schröer'. Assuming UTF-8 Lab-Measurement-3.32/scripts/ -- Around line 126: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Schröer.'. Assuming UTF-8


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add tests or move to the t/ directory!


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Lab::Bus, Lab::Bus::DEBUG, Lab::Bus::DEBUG::HumanInstrument, Lab::Bus::IsoBus, Lab::Bus::LinuxGPIB, Lab::Bus::MODBUS_RS232, Lab::Bus::Socket, Lab::Bus::USBtmc, Lab::Bus::VISA, Lab::Connection, Lab::Connection::DEBUG, Lab::Connection::GPIB, Lab::Connection::IsoBus, Lab::Connection::LinuxGPIB, Lab::Connection::MODBUS_RS232, Lab::Connection::RS232, Lab::Connection::Socket, Lab::Connection::TCPraw, Lab::Connection::USBtmc, Lab::Connection::VISA, Lab::Connection::VISA_GPIB, Lab::Connection::VISA_RS232, Lab::Data::Meta, Lab::Data::PDL, Lab::Data::Plotter, Lab::Data::Writer, Lab::Exception, Lab::Exception::Base, Lab::Generic, Lab::Instrument::AH2700A, Lab::Instrument::Agilent34410A, Lab::Instrument::Agilent34420A, Lab::Instrument::Cryogenic_SMS, Lab::Instrument::DummySource, Lab::Instrument::HP34401A, Lab::Instrument::HP34420A, Lab::Instrument::HP3458A, Lab::Instrument::HP83732A, Lab::Instrument::IPS, Lab::Instrument::ITC, Lab::Instrument::Keithley2000, Lab::Instrument::KnickS252, Lab::Instrument::MG369xB, Lab::Instrument::MagnetSupply, Lab::Instrument::Multimeter, Lab::Instrument::OI_ILM210, Lab::Instrument::OI_IPS, Lab::Instrument::OI_ITC503, Lab::Instrument::OI_Mercury, Lab::Instrument::OI_Triton, Lab::Instrument::PD11042, Lab::Instrument::ProStep4, Lab::Instrument::RSSMB100A, Lab::Instrument::SR830, Lab::Instrument::SpectrumSCPI, Lab::Instrument::TCD, Lab::Instrument::TemperatureControl, Lab::Instrument::TemperatureControl::TLK43, Lab::Instrument::TemperatureDiode, Lab::Instrument::TemperatureDiode::SI420, Lab::Instrument::U2000, Lab::Instrument::Vectormagnet, Lab::Measurement::KeyboardHandling, Lab::Measurement::Ladediagramm, Lab::MultiChannelInstrument, Lab::XPRESS::Data::XPRESS_DataFile, Lab::XPRESS::Data::XPRESS_dataset, Lab::XPRESS::Data::XPRESS_logger, Lab::XPRESS::Data::XPRESS_plotter, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::DietersCrazyTempSweep, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Dummy, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Frame, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Frequency, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Magnet, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Motor, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Power, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::PulseLength, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::PulsePeriod, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Repeater, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Sweep, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Temperature, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Time, Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Voltage, Lab::XPRESS::Xpression::Plotter, Lab::XPRESS::Xpression::PlotterGUI, Lab::XPRESS::hub


This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.


Name Abstract Version View
DeviceCache 0 metacpan
Lab::Bus bus base class 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Bus::DEBUG interactive debug bus 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Bus::DEBUG::HumanInstrument interactive debug bus with WxWindow interface 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Bus::IsoBus Oxford Instruments IsoBus bus 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Bus::LinuxGPIB LinuxGPIB bus 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Bus::MODBUS_RS232 RS232/RS485 MODBUS RTU protocol bus 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Bus::RS232 RS232 or Virtual Comm port bus 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Bus::Socket IP socket as bus 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Bus::USBtmc 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Bus::VISA National Instruments VISA bus 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Connection connection base class 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Connection::DEBUG debug connection 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Connection::GPIB base class for GPIB connections 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Connection::IsoBus IsoBus connection class which uses L<Lab::Bus::IsoBus> as a backend. 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Connection::LinuxGPIB connection class which uses LinuxGPIB (libgpib0) as a backend. 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Connection::MODBUS_RS232 connection class for Lab::Bus::MODBUS_RS232 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Connection::RS232 base class for RS232 connections 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Connection::Socket 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Connection::TCPraw connection class which uses a so-called TCPraw connection 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Connection::USBtmc 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Connection::VISA VISA-type connection class which uses L<Lab::Bus::VISA> and thus NI VISA (L<Lab::VISA>) as a backend. 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Connection::VISA_GPIB GPIB-type connection class which uses L<Lab::Bus::VISA> and thus NI VISA (L<Lab::VISA>) as a backend. 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Connection::VISA_RS232 RS232-type connection class which uses L<Lab::Bus::VISA> and thus NI VISA (L<Lab::VISA>) as a backend. 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Data::Meta Meta data for datasets 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Data::PDL 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Data::Plotter Plot data with Gnuplot 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Data::Writer Write data to disk 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Data::XMLtree Handle and store XML and perl data structures with precise declaration. 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Exception exception handling classes 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Exception::Base 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Generic 3.32 metacpan
Lab::GenericSignals 0 metacpan
Lab::Instrument instrument base class 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::AH2700A 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::Agilent34410A HP/Agilent 34410A or 34411A digital multimeter 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::Agilent34420A HP/Agilent 34420A or 34421A digital multimeter 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::Cryogenic_SMS 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::DummySource Dummy voltage source 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::HP34401A HP/Agilent 34401A digital multimeter 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::HP34420A HP/Agilent 34420A digital multimeter 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::HP3458A Agilent 3458A Multimeter 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::HP83732A HP 83732A Series Synthesized Signal Generator 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::IPS Oxford Instruments IPS Magnet Power Supply 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::ITC Oxford Instruments ITC Intelligent Temperature Control 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::Keithley2000 Keithley 2000 digital multimeter 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::KnickS252 Knick S 252 DC source 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::LabViewHeater 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::Lakeshore33x Lakeshore 33x Temperature controller 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::MG369xB MG369xB Series Signal Generator 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::MagnetSupply base class for magnet power supply instruments 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::Multimeter Generic digital multimeter interface 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::OI_ILM210 Oxford Instruments ILM Intelligent Level Meter 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::OI_IPS Oxford Instruments IPS series superconducting magnet supply 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::OI_ITC503 Oxford Instruments ITC503 Intelligent Temperature Control 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::OI_Mercury Oxford Instruments Mercury Cryocontrol 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::OI_Triton Oxford Instruments Triton DR Control 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::PD11042 42mm stepper motor with integrated controller/driver 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::ProStep4 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::RSSMB100A Rohde & Schwarz SMB100A Signal Generator 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::SR830 Stanford Research SR830 Lock-In Amplifier 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::Source base class for voltage source instruments 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::SpectrumSCPI Spectrum Analyzer with SCPI command set 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::TCD 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::TRMC2 ABB TRMC2 temperature controller 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::TemperatureControl base class for temperature control instruments 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::TemperatureControl::TLK43 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::TemperatureDiode 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::TemperatureDiode::SI420 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::U2000 Agilent U2000 series USB Power Sensor 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::Vectormagnet 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::Yokogawa7651 Yokogawa 7651 DC source 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Instrument::YokogawaGS200 Yokogawa GS200 DC source 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Measurement Log, describe and plot data on the fly 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Measurement::KeyboardHandling 3.32 metacpan
Lab::Measurement::Ladediagramm 3.32 metacpan
Lab::MultiChannelInstrument 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Data::XPRESS_DataFile 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Data::XPRESS_dataset 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Data::XPRESS_logger 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Data::XPRESS_plotter 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::DietersCrazyTempSweep 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Dummy 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Frame 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Frequency Frequency-Sweep 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Magnet magnetic field sweep 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Motor stepper motor sweep 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Power Power-Sweep 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::PulseLength 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::PulsePeriod 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Repeater simple repeater 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Sweep base class for Sweeps 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Temperature temperature sweep 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Time simple time controlled repeater 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Sweep::Voltage voltage sweep 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Xpression::Plotter 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::Xpression::PlotterGUI 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESS::hub 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESSION::Xpress::PlotterGUI_bidirectional 3.32 metacpan
Lab::XPRESSION::Xpress::bidirectional_gnuplot_pipe 3.32 metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
README metacpan