Under maintenance.

Most probably CPANTS databases are being regenerated from scratch due to major changes in Kwalitee metrics or updates of relevant modules/perl. Usually this maintenance takes about a day or two, and some of the information may be old or missing tentatively. Sorry for the inconvenience.


POE-Component-SSLify is used by 17 distributions.
Name Release Date Released by Core Kwalitee
POE-Component-Server-IRC-1.64 2023-11-23 BINGOS 96.88
POE-Component-ElasticSearch-Indexer-0.015 2022-06-01 BLHOTSKY 100
Net-Gmail-IMAP-Label-0.008 2018-04-09 ZMUGHAL 100
Task-BeLike-BINGOS-1.06 2017-03-30 BINGOS 100
POE-Component-Metabase-Client-Submit-0.14 2017-02-17 BINGOS 100
Bot-Cobalt-0.021003 2016-08-01 AVENJ 90.62
POEx-IRC-Backend-0.030003 2015-08-30 AVENJ 93.75
App-FonBot-Daemon-0.001 2015-05-03 MGV 100
Task-POE-All-1.102 2014-11-09 APOCAL 100
App-Devbot-0.001004 2014-07-01 MGV 100
LWP-UserAgent-POE-0.05 2014-05-27 MSCHILLI 100
POE-Component-Server-NRPE-0.18 2012-11-09 BINGOS 100
POE-Component-Client-NRPE-0.20 2012-10-04 BINGOS 100
POE-Component-Github-0.08 2011-03-08 BINGOS 100
POE-Component-SSLify-NonBlock-0.41 2010-06-16 PRIVI 96.88
POE-Component-Client-Whois-Smart-0.187 2009-10-27 DAVINCHI 87.5
POE-Component-Jabber-3.00 2009-03-22 NPEREZ 96.88