Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).


Name Abstract Version View
Log::Saftpresse a modular logfile analyzer 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Analyzer class to analyze log messages 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::App commandline interface extension for Log::Saftpresse 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Config configuration option parser for Log::Saftpresse 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Constants class to hold the constants used in pflogsumm 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::CounterOutputs class to manage saftpresse counter output 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Counters objects to hold and manipulate counters 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::CountersOutput base class for output of counters 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::CountersOutput::Dump plugin to dump counters to stdout 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::CountersOutput::Graphite plugin to write counters to carbon line reciever 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::CountersOutput::Html plugin to output counters in HTML report 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::CountersOutput::JSON plugin to dump counters in JSON format 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::CountersOutput::Pflogsumm plugin to output counters in pflogsumm style output 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Input base class for a log input 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Input::FileTail log input for following a file 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Input::RELP RELP server input plugin for saftpresse 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Input::RELP::Frame class for parsing and generating RELP frames 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Input::RELP::RSP class for building RELP RSP records 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Input::Server udp/tcp network server input plugin for saftpresse 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Input::Stdin log input for reading STDIN 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Log4perl logging for Log::Saftpresse 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Notes object to hold informations across log events 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Output base class for outputs 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Output::Elasticsearch plugin to write events to elasticsearch 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Output::Graphite plugin to write events to carbon line reciever 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Output::JSON plugin to dump events to in JSON to stdout 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Outputs class to manage saftpresse outputs 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin base class for saftpresse plugins 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Amavis plugin to parse amavisd-new logs 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Apache plugin to parse apache logs 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::GeoIP plugin to lookup geoip database 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::GraphitLineFormat read metric values from logs and export them as counters 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::LimitDay plugin to skip messages not from today or yesterday 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::LimitProgram plugin to limit messages by syslog program name 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::LinuxNetfilter plugin to parse network packets logged by linux/netfilter 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Postfix plugin to parse analyse postfix logging 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Postfix::Delivered plugin to gather postfix delivered messages statistics 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Postfix::Messages plugin to gather postfix warning|fatal|panic messages 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Postfix::QueueID plugin to parse the postfix queue ID 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Postfix::Recieved plugin to gather postfix recieved messages statistics 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Postfix::Rejects plugin to gather postfix reject statistics 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Postfix::Service plugin to parse postfix service 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Postfix::Smtp plugin to gather postfix smtp client statistics 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Postfix::Smtpd plugin to gather postfix/smtpd advanced statistics 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Postfix::Tls plugin to gather TLS statistics 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Postfix::Utils class with collection of some utility functions 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::PostfixGeoStats plugin to build postfix statistics from geoip info 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Role::CounterUtils role for plugins to gather statistics/counters 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::Syslog syslog server input plugin for saftpresse 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Plugin::SyslogFile plugin to parse syslog logfile format 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::PluginContainer base class for classes holding plugins 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Slurp class to read log file inputs 1.1 metacpan
Log::Saftpresse::Utils class with collection of some utility functions 1.1 metacpan

Other Files

MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
README.pod metacpan
dist.ini metacpan