Kwalitee Issues


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: LaTeXML::Common::Font::StandardMetrics


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: LaTeXML::Common::Font::StandardMetrics


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
LaTeXML transforms TeX into XML. 0.008007 metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Color abstract class representating colors using various color models; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Object>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Color::Derived represents colors in derived color models metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Color::cmy represents colors in the cmy color model: cyan, magenta and yellow [0..1]; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Color>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Color::cmyk represents colors in the cmyk color model: cyan, magenta, yellow and black in [0..1]; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Color>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Color::gray represents colors in the gray color model: gray value in [0..1]; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Color>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Color::hsb represents colors in the hsb color model: hue, saturation, brightness in [0..1]; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Color>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Color::rgb represents colors in the rgb color model: red, green and blue in [0..1]; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Color>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Config Configuration logic for LaTeXML metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Dimension representation of dimensions; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Number>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Error Error and Progress Reporting and Logging support. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Float representation of floating point numbers; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Number>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Font representation of fonts metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Font::Metric metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Font::StandardMetrics metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Glue representation of glue, skips, stretchy dimensions; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Dimension>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Locator represents a reference to a point or range in the source file. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Model represents the Document Model metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Model::DTD represents DTD document models; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Model>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Model::RelaxNG represents RelaxNG document models; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Model>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Number representation of numbers; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Object>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::Object abstract base class for most LaTeXML objects. metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::XML XML utilities metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::XML::Parser metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::XML::RelaxNG metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::XML::XPath metacpan
LaTeXML::Common::XML::XSLT metacpan
LaTeXML::Core metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Alignment representation of aligned structures metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Alignment::Template metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Array support for Arrays of objects metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Box Representations of digested objects; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Object>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Comment Representations of digested objects. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Definition Control sequence definitions. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Definition::CharDef Control sequence definitions for chardefs. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Definition::Conditional Conditionals Control sequence definitions. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Definition::Constructor Control sequence definitions. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Definition::Constructor::Compiler metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Definition::Expandable Expandable Control sequence definitions. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Definition::Primitive Primitive Control sequence definitions. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Definition::Register Control sequence definitions for Registers. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Document represents an XML document under construction. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Gullet expands expandable tokens and parses common token sequences. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::KeyVal Key-Value Definitions in LaTeXML metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::KeyVals Key-Value Pairs in LaTeXML metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::List represents lists of digested objects; extends L<LaTeXML::Core::Box>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Mouth tokenize the input. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Mouth::Binding a fake Mouth for processing a Binding file metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Mouth::file tokenize the input from a file metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Mouth::http tokenize the input from http metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Mouth::https tokenize the input from https metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::MuDimension representation of math dimensions; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Dimension>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::MuGlue representation of math glue; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Glue>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Pair representation of pairs of numerical things metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::PairList representation of lists of pairs of numerical things metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Parameter a formal parameter metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Parameters formal parameters. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Rewrite rewrite rules for modifying the XML document. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::State stores the current state of processing. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Stomach digests tokens into boxes, lists, etc. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Token representation of a Token: a pair of character and category code (catcode); It extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Object>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Tokens represents lists of L<LaTeXML::Core::Token>'s; extends L<LaTeXML::Common::Object>. metacpan
LaTeXML::Core::Whatsit Representations of digested objects. metacpan
LaTeXML::Global global exports used within LaTeXML, and in Packages. metacpan
LaTeXML::MathParser parses mathematics content metacpan
LaTeXML::Package Support for package implementations and document customization. metacpan
LaTeXML::Post Postprocessing driver. metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::Collector metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::CrossRef metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::Graphics metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::LaTeXImages metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::LexMath metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::MakeBibliography metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::MakeIndex metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::Manifest metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::Manifest::Epub metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::MathImages metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::MathML Post-Processing modules for converting math to MathML. metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::MathML::Content metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::MathML::Linebreaker metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::MathML::OperatorDictionary metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::MathML::Presentation metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::OpenMath metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::PictureImages metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::SVG metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::Scan metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::Split metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::TeXMath metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::UnicodeMath Post-Processing module for converting math to UnicodeMath. metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::Writer metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::XMath metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::XSLT metacpan
LaTeXML::Pre::BibTeX implements a BibTeX parser for LaTeXML. metacpan
LaTeXML::Pre::BibTeX::Entry metacpan
LaTeXML::Util::Geometry metacpan
LaTeXML::Util::Image metacpan
LaTeXML::Util::ObjectDB metacpan
LaTeXML::Util::ObjectDB::Entry metacpan
LaTeXML::Util::Pack smart packing and unpacking of TeX archives metacpan
LaTeXML::Util::Pathname portable pathname and file-system utilities metacpan
LaTeXML::Util::Radix simple radix conversion utilities metacpan
LaTeXML::Util::Test metacpan
LaTeXML::Util::Transform metacpan
LaTeXML::Util::Unicode Unicode Utilities. metacpan
LaTeXML::Util::WWW auxiliaries for web-scalability of LaTeXML's IO metacpan


Name File View
LaTeXML::Post::Document lib/LaTeXML/ metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::DumbCollator lib/LaTeXML/ metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::MathProcessor lib/LaTeXML/ metacpan
LaTeXML::Post::Processor lib/LaTeXML/ metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README.pod metacpan