Kwalitee Issues


Add a META.yml to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: Alzabo, Alzabo::Create, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Store::BerkeleyDB, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Store::Memory, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Store::Null


List all used modules in META.yml requires


  • BerkeleyDB
  • Cache::Mmap
  • Class::Factory::Util
  • DBD::Pg
  • DBD::mysql
  • DBI
  • Exception::Class
  • IPC::Shareable
  • Params::Validate
  • Tie::IxHash


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Use the prompt() method from ExtUtils::MakeMaker/Module::Build.


Define the license if you are using in Build.PL. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade to ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.31.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Alzabo, Alzabo::BackCompat, Alzabo::ChangeTracker, Alzabo::Column, Alzabo::ColumnDefinition, Alzabo::Create, Alzabo::Create::Column, Alzabo::Create::ColumnDefinition, Alzabo::Create::ForeignKey, Alzabo::Create::Index, Alzabo::Create::Schema, Alzabo::Create::Table, Alzabo::Debug, Alzabo::Driver, Alzabo::Driver::MySQL, Alzabo::Driver::PostgreSQL, Alzabo::Exceptions, Alzabo::ForeignKey, Alzabo::Index, Alzabo::MethodMaker, Alzabo::ObjectCache, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Store::BerkeleyDB, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Store::LRU, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Store::Memory, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Store::Null, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Store::RDBMS, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::BerkeleyDB, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::DBM, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::DB_File, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::IPC, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::Mmap, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::Null, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::RDBMS, Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::SDBM_File, Alzabo::RDBMSRules, Alzabo::RDBMSRules::MySQL, Alzabo::RDBMSRules::PostgreSQL, Alzabo::Runtime, Alzabo::Runtime::CachedRow, Alzabo::Runtime::Column, Alzabo::Runtime::ColumnDefinition, Alzabo::Runtime::Cursor, Alzabo::Runtime::ForeignKey, Alzabo::Runtime::Index, Alzabo::Runtime::JoinCursor, Alzabo::Runtime::PotentialRow, Alzabo::Runtime::Row, Alzabo::Runtime::RowCursor, Alzabo::Runtime::Schema, Alzabo::Runtime::Table, Alzabo::SQLMaker, Alzabo::SQLMaker::MySQL, Alzabo::SQLMaker::PostgreSQL, Alzabo::Schema, Alzabo::Table, PreInstall::Config


Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).

Error: 0.70,1.03,1.04,1.05,1.06,1.07,1.08,1.09,1.10,1.11,1.13,1.14,1.15,1.17,1.18,1.19,1.20,1.21,1.22,1.23,1.25,1.26,1.27,1.29,1.32,1.36,1.38,1.40,1.45,1.46,1.48,1.51,1.52,1.57,1.65,1.66,1.74,1.80,1.88,1.91,1.95


Name Abstract Version View
Alzabo A data modelling tool and RDBMS-OO mapper 0.70 metacpan
Alzabo::BackCompat Convert old data structures 1.05 metacpan
Alzabo::ChangeTracker Saves a set of changes as callbacks that can be backed out if needed 1.14 metacpan
Alzabo::Column Column objects 1.29 metacpan
Alzabo::ColumnDefinition Holds the type attribute for a column 1.14 metacpan
Alzabo::Create Loads all Alzabo::Create::* classes 1.09 metacpan
Alzabo::Create::Column Column objects for use in schema creation 1.38 metacpan
Alzabo::Create::ColumnDefinition Column definition object for schema creation 1.26 metacpan
Alzabo::Create::ForeignKey Foreign key objects for schema creation. 1.23 metacpan
Alzabo::Create::Index Index objects for schema creation 1.20 metacpan
Alzabo::Create::Schema Schema objects for schema creation 1.88 metacpan
Alzabo::Create::Table Table objects for schema creation 1.51 metacpan
Alzabo::Debug Creates constants used to turn on debugging metacpan
Alzabo::Driver Alzabo base class for RDBMS drivers 1.74 metacpan
Alzabo::Driver::MySQL MySQL specific Alzabo driver subclass 1.48 metacpan
Alzabo::Driver::PostgreSQL PostgreSQL specific Alzabo driver subclass 1.22 metacpan
Alzabo::Exceptions Creates all exception subclasses used in Alzabo. 1.27 metacpan
Alzabo::ForeignKey Foreign key (relation) objects 1.23 metacpan
Alzabo::Index Index objects 1.17 metacpan
Alzabo::MethodMaker Auto-generate useful methods based on an existing schema 1.66 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache A simple in-memory cache for row objects. 1.40 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Store::BerkeleyDB Cache objects in a BerkeleyDB file 1.18 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Store::LRU Make any storage module an LRU 1.06 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Store::Memory Cache objects in memory 1.08 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Store::Null Doesn't really store anything 1.04 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Store::RDBMS Cache objects in an RDBMS backend 1.15 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync Base class for syncing classes 1.19 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::BerkeleyDB Uses a DBM file to sync object caches 1.10 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::DBM Base class for syncing modules that use DBM files 1.05 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::DB_File Uses a Berkeley DB file to sync object caches 1.07 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::IPC Uses a IPC file to sync object caches 1.05 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::Mmap Uses a Mmap file to sync object caches 1.04 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::Null No inter-process cache syncing 1.07 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::RDBMS Uses an RDBM backend to sync object caches 1.13 metacpan
Alzabo::ObjectCache::Sync::SDBM_File 1.07 metacpan
Alzabo::RDBMSRules Base class for Alzabo RDBMS rulesets 1.46 metacpan
Alzabo::RDBMSRules::MySQL MySQL specific database rules. 1.65 metacpan
Alzabo::RDBMSRules::PostgreSQL PostgreSQL specific database rules 1.36 metacpan
Alzabo::Runtime Loads all Alzabo::Runtime::* classes 1.29 metacpan
Alzabo::Runtime::CachedRow Cached row objects 1.22 metacpan
Alzabo::Runtime::Column Column objects 1.07 metacpan
Alzabo::Runtime::ColumnDefinition Column definition objects 1.04 metacpan
Alzabo::Runtime::Cursor Base class for Alzabo cursors 1.17 metacpan
Alzabo::Runtime::ForeignKey Foreign key objects 1.26 metacpan
Alzabo::Runtime::Index Index objects 1.03 metacpan
Alzabo::Runtime::JoinCursor Cursor that returns arrays of C<Alzabo::Runtime::Row> objects 1.32 metacpan
Alzabo::Runtime::PotentialRow Row objects that aren't yet in the database 1.11 metacpan
Alzabo::Runtime::Row Row objects 1.91 metacpan
Alzabo::Runtime::RowCursor Cursor that returns C<Alzabo::Runtime::Row> objects 1.29 metacpan
Alzabo::Runtime::Schema Schema objects 1.80 metacpan
Alzabo::Runtime::Table Table objects 1.95 metacpan
Alzabo::SQLMaker Alzabo base class for RDBMS drivers 1.57 metacpan
Alzabo::SQLMaker::MySQL Alzabo SQL making class for MySQL 1.25 metacpan
Alzabo::SQLMaker::PostgreSQL Alzabo SQL making class for PostgreSQL 1.15 metacpan
Alzabo::Schema Schema objects 1.52 metacpan
Alzabo::Table Table objects 1.45 metacpan


Name File View
Alzabo::Config lib/PreInstall/ metacpan
Alzabo::Docs lib/Alzabo/ metacpan
Alzabo::DocumentationContainer lib/Alzabo/ metacpan
Alzabo::DriverStatement lib/Alzabo/ metacpan
Alzabo::Exception lib/Alzabo/ metacpan
Alzabo::Exception::Driver lib/Alzabo/ metacpan
Alzabo::MethodDocs lib/Alzabo/ metacpan
Alzabo::SQLMaker::Function lib/Alzabo/ metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan