Kwalitee Issues


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: Test-Stream-1.302007/lib/Test/Stream/ -- Around line 480: Unterminated C<...> sequence


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
Test::CanFork Skip a test file unless the system supports forking metacpan
Test::CanThread Skip a test file unless the system supports threading metacpan
Test::Stream Experimental successor to Test::More and Test::Builder. 1.302007 metacpan
Test::Stream::Block Tools to inspect coderefs metacpan
Test::Stream::Capabilities Check if the current system has various capabilities. metacpan
Test::Stream::Context Object to represent a testing context. metacpan
Test::Stream::DebugInfo Debug information for events metacpan
Test::Stream::DeepCheck Tools for comparing deep datastructures metacpan
Test::Stream::DeepCheck::Array Class for doing deep array checks metacpan
Test::Stream::DeepCheck::Check Library for comparisons and other simple checks with diagnostics. metacpan
Test::Stream::DeepCheck::Hash Class for doing deep hash checks metacpan
Test::Stream::DeepCheck::Meta Base class for deep structure checks. metacpan
Test::Stream::DeepCheck::Object Class for doing deep object checks metacpan
Test::Stream::DeepCheck::Object::Array Class for doing deep array-object checks metacpan
Test::Stream::DeepCheck::Object::Hash Class for doing deep hash-object checks metacpan
Test::Stream::DeepCheck::State Tracks and manages state on deep and/or recursive structure tests. metacpan
Test::Stream::DeepCheck::Util Reusable components of Test-Stream-DeepCheck metacpan
Test::Stream::Event Base class for events metacpan
Test::Stream::Event::Bail Bailout! metacpan
Test::Stream::Event::Diag Diag event type metacpan
Test::Stream::Event::Exception Exception event metacpan
Test::Stream::Event::Note Note event type metacpan
Test::Stream::Event::Ok Ok event type metacpan
Test::Stream::Event::Plan The event of a plan metacpan
Test::Stream::Event::Subtest Event for subtest types metacpan
Test::Stream::Event::Waiting Tell all procs/threads it is time to be done metacpan
Test::Stream::Exporter Declarative exporter for Test::Stream and friends. metacpan
Test::Stream::Exporter::Meta Meta object for exporters. metacpan
Test::Stream::HashBase Base class for classes that use a hashref of a hash. metacpan
Test::Stream::Hub The conduit through which all events flow. metacpan
Test::Stream::IPC Enable concurrency in Test::Stream. metacpan
Test::Stream::IPC::Files Temp dir + Files concurrency model. metacpan
Test::Stream::Interceptor Tools to intercept events, and other things. metacpan
Test::Stream::Interceptor::Grab Object used to temporarily intercept all events. metacpan
Test::Stream::Interceptor::Hub Hub used by interceptor to grab results. metacpan
Test::Stream::Interceptor::Terminator Exception class used by Test::Stream::Internal metacpan
Test::Stream::Stack Object to manage a stack of L<Test::Stream::Hub> instances. metacpan
Test::Stream::State Representation of the state of the testing metacpan
Test::Stream::Subtest Tools for writing subtests metacpan
Test::Stream::Subtest::Hub Hub used by subtests metacpan
Test::Stream::Sync Primary Synchronization point, this is where global stuff lives. metacpan
Test::Stream::TAP Standard TAP formatter metacpan
Test::Stream::Tester Tools for validating testing tools. metacpan
Test::Stream::Util Tools used by Test::Stream and friends. metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
cpanfile metacpan