Kwalitee Issues


List all used modules in META.yml requires


  • Class::Method::Modifiers
  • Role::Tiny
  • Role::Tiny::With


List all modules used in the test suite in META.yml test_requires


  • Role::Tiny


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
Catmandu a data toolkit 0.91 metacpan
Catmandu::Addable metacpan
Catmandu::ArrayIterator Convert an arrayref to an Iterable object metacpan
Catmandu::Bag A Catmandu::Store compartment to persist data metacpan
Catmandu::Buffer metacpan
Catmandu::CLI metacpan
Catmandu::Cmd A base class for extending the Catmandu command line metacpan
Catmandu::Cmd::config print the Catmandu config as JSON metacpan
Catmandu::Cmd::convert convert objects metacpan
Catmandu::Cmd::count count the number of objects in a store metacpan
Catmandu::Cmd::data store, index, search, import, export or convert objects metacpan
Catmandu::Cmd::delete delete objects from a store metacpan
Catmandu::Cmd::export export objects from a store metacpan
Catmandu::Cmd::import import objects into a store metacpan
Catmandu::Cmd::move move objects to another store metacpan
Catmandu::Counter metacpan
Catmandu::Env metacpan
Catmandu::Error Catmandu error hierarchy metacpan
Catmandu::Exporter Namespace for packages that can export a hashref or an iterable object metacpan
Catmandu::Exporter::CSV a CSV exporter metacpan
Catmandu::Exporter::JSON a JSON exporter metacpan
Catmandu::Exporter::RIS a RIS exporter metacpan
Catmandu::Exporter::YAML a YAML exporter metacpan
Catmandu::Fix a Catmandu class used for data crunching metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Base metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Bind a wrapper for Catmandu::Fix-es metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::benchmark a binder that calculates the execution time of Fix functions metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::identity a binder that doesn't influence computation metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::list a binder that computes Fix-es for every element in a list metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Bind::maybe a binder that skips fixes if one returns undef or dies metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Condition metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::SimpleAllTest metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::SimpleAnyTest metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::all_match only execute fixes if all path values match the given regex metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::any_match only execute fixes if any path value matches the given regex metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Condition::exists only execute fixes if the path exists metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Has metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::Parser metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::add_field add or change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::add_to_store add matching values to a store as a side effect metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::append add a suffix to the value of a field metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::array creates an array out of a hash metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::capitalize capitalize the value of a key metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::clone create a clone of the data object metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::collapse convert nested data into a flat hash using the TT2 dot convention metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::copy_field copy the value of one field to a new field metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::count replace the value of an array or hash field with it's count metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::downcase lowercase the value of a field metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::expand convert a flat hash into nested data using the TT2 dot convention metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::expand_date expand a date field into year, month and date metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::from_json replace a json field with the parsed value metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::hash creates a hash out of an array metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::join_field join the ARRAY values of a field into a string metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::lookup change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index by looking up it's value in a dictionary metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::lookup_in_store change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index by looking up it's value in a store metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::move_field move a field to another place in the data structure metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::nothing does nothing (for testing) metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::prepend add a prefix to the value of a field metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::reject metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::remove_field remove a field form the data metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::replace_all search and replace using regex expressions metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::retain_field delete everything from a field except metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::set_field add or change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::sort_field sort the values of an array metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::split_field split a string value in a field into an ARRAY metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::substring extract a substring out of the value of a field metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::sum replace the value of an array field with the sum of it's elements metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::to_json convert the value of a field to json metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::trim trim leading and ending junk from the value of a field metacpan
Catmandu::Fix::upcase uppercase the value of a field metacpan
Catmandu::Fixable metacpan
Catmandu::Hits Iterable object that wraps Catmandu::Store search hits metacpan
Catmandu::Importer Namespace for packages that can import metacpan
Catmandu::Importer::CSV Package that imports CSV data metacpan
Catmandu::Importer::JSON Package that imports JSON data metacpan
Catmandu::Importer::Mock Mock importer used for testing purposes metacpan
Catmandu::Importer::YAML Package that imports YAML data metacpan
Catmandu::Iterable Base class for all iterable Catmandu classes metacpan
Catmandu::Iterator metacpan
Catmandu::Paged metacpan
Catmandu::Pluggable metacpan
Catmandu::Plugin::Datestamps Automatically add datestamps to Catmandu::Store records metacpan
Catmandu::Plugin::Versioning Automatically adds versioning to Catmandu::Store records metacpan
Catmandu::Sane Package boilerplate metacpan
Catmandu::Searchable Base class for all searchable Catmandu classes metacpan
Catmandu::Serializer metacpan
Catmandu::Serializer::json metacpan
Catmandu::Store Namespace for packages that can make data persistent metacpan
Catmandu::Store::Hash An in-memory Catmandu::Store metacpan
Catmandu::Util A collection of utility functions metacpan
Catmandu::Validator Namespace for packages that can validate records in Catmandu. metacpan
Catmandu::Validator::Simple Simple Validator for Catmandu metacpan


Name File View
Catmandu::BadArg lib/Catmandu/ metacpan
Catmandu::BadVal lib/Catmandu/ metacpan
Catmandu::NotImplemented lib/Catmandu/ metacpan
Catmandu::Store::Hash::Bag lib/Catmandu/Store/ metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
README metacpan
cpanfile metacpan
dist.ini metacpan