Kwalitee Issues


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: Google-Chat-WebHooks-0.01/lib/Google/Chat/ -- Around line 80: =over should be: '=over' or '=over positive_number' You can't have =items (as at line 88) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item Around line 100: =back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back =head1 BUGS & SUPPORT


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Define the license if you are using in Build.PL. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade to ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.31.


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).


Name Abstract Version View
Google::Chat::WebHooks Send notifications to Google Chat Rooms as provided by G-Suite. Does not work with Google Hangouts as used with your free Google account. Cannot receive messages - for that you need a bot. I'm sure I'll write that module some day. 0.01 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan