Kwalitee Issues


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: DBIx::Class::Valiant, Valiant


List all used modules in META.yml requires


  • DBIx::Class::Candy::Exports


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: Valiant-0.001009/lib/DBIx/Class/Valiant/ -- Around line 1032: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Valiant-0.001009/lib/Valiant/ -- Around line 517: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'validations.ß'. Assuming UTF-8 Valiant-0.001009/lib/Valiant/Validator/ -- Around line 154: Deleting unknown formatting code M<> Valiant-0.001009/lib/Valiant/Validator/ -- Around line 241: Unterminated C<...> sequence Around line 300: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Valiant-0.001009/lib/Valiant/Validator/ -- Around line 111: Deleting unknown formatting code V<> Around line 116: Deleting unknown formatting code V<> Around line 127: Deleting unknown formatting code V<> Valiant-0.001009/lib/Valiant/Validator/ -- Around line 244: Deleting unknown formatting code V<> Around line 249: Deleting unknown formatting code V<> Around line 254: Deleting unknown formatting code V<> Around line 259: Deleting unknown formatting code V<> Around line 264: Deleting unknown formatting code V<> Around line 269: Deleting unknown formatting code V<> Around line 279: Deleting unknown formatting code V<> Around line 284: Deleting unknown formatting code V<> Around line 296: Deleting unknown formatting code V<>


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: DBIx::Class::Valiant, Valiant


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
DBIx::Class::Valiant Glue Valiant validations into DBIx::Class metacpan
DBIx::Class::Valiant::Result Base component to add Valiant functionality metacpan
DBIx::Class::Valiant::ResultSet Validation support for resultsets metacpan
DBIx::Class::Valiant::Validates Add Valiant to DBIC metacpan
DBIx::Class::Valiant::Validator::Result Verify a DBIC related result metacpan
DBIx::Class::Valiant::Validator::ResultSet Verify a DBIC related resultset metacpan
Valiant Ruby on Rails-like validation framework. 0.001009 metacpan
Valiant::Error A single error encountered during validation. metacpan
Valiant::Errors A collection of errors associated with an object metacpan
Valiant::Filter A role to define the Filter interface. metacpan
Valiant::Filter::Collapse collapse whitespace metacpan
Valiant::Filter::Collection metacpan
Valiant::Filter::Each A Role to create custom validators metacpan
Valiant::Filter::Flatten Array or Hash ref to string metacpan
Valiant::Filter::HtmlEscape HTML escaping on strings metacpan
Valiant::Filter::Lower lower case a string metacpan
Valiant::Filter::Numberize Force into number context metacpan
Valiant::Filter::Title title case a string metacpan
Valiant::Filter::ToArray Force the value into an arrayref if its not one already metacpan
Valiant::Filter::Trim metacpan
Valiant::Filter::UcFirst upper case the first letter of a string metacpan
Valiant::Filter::Upper up case a string metacpan
Valiant::Filter::With metacpan
Valiant::Filterable metacpan
Valiant::Filters Adds a filter DSL and API to your Moo/se classes metacpan
Valiant::I18N Translations metacpan
Valiant::Naming Standard naming information for your models metacpan
Valiant::NestedError metacpan
Valiant::Proxy Create a validation ruleset dynamically metacpan
Valiant::Proxy::Array Wrap a hashref in a result object for validation. metacpan
Valiant::Proxy::Hash metacpan
Valiant::Proxy::Object metacpan
Valiant::Translation metacpan
Valiant::Util Importable utility methods; metacpan
Valiant::Util::Exception metacpan
Valiant::Util::Exception::General A non categorized exception metacpan
Valiant::Util::Exception::InvalidFilterArgs Args passed to a Filter are invalid metacpan
Valiant::Util::Exception::InvalidValidatorArgs Args passed to a Validator are invalid metacpan
Valiant::Util::Exception::MissingCountKey Not count subkey for the translation tag metacpan
Valiant::Util::Exception::MissingMethod Object is missing method metacpan
Valiant::Util::Exception::NameNotFilter Failure to load a filter metacpan
Valiant::Util::Exception::NameNotValidator Failure to load a validator metacpan
Valiant::Util::Exception::Strict A Validation error that throws strictly metacpan
Valiant::Util::Exception::UnexpectedUseModuleError Unexpected error while using a module dynamically metacpan
Valiant::Validates Role that adds class and instance methods supporting validations metacpan
Valiant::Validations Addos a validation DSL and API to your Moo/se classes metacpan
Valiant::Validator A role to define the validator interface. metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Absence Verify that a value is missing metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Array Verify items in an arrayref. metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Boolean Verify that a value is either true or false metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Check Validate using a 'check' method metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Collection A validator that contains and runs other validators metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Confirmation Checks for a 'confirming' attributes equality. metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Date Verify that a value is is a standard Date (YYY-MM-DD) metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Each A Role to create custom validators metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Exclusion Value cannot be in a list metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Format Validate a value based on a regular expression metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Hash Verify a related object metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Inclusion Value must be one of a list metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Length Validate the length of an attributes string value metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Numericality Validate numeric attributes metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Object Verify a related object metacpan
Valiant::Validator::OnlyOf Limit the number of fields not blank in a group metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Presence Verify that a value is present metacpan
Valiant::Validator::Unique Verify that a value is unique to the record domain metacpan
Valiant::Validator::With Validate using a coderef or method metacpan


Name File View
Valiant::I18N::Tag lib/Valiant/ metacpan
Valiant::Name lib/Valiant/ metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
README.mkdn metacpan
cpanfile metacpan
dist.ini metacpan
example/cpanfile metacpan