
Name Abstract Version View
LWP::UserAgent::CHICaching LWP::UserAgent with caching based on CHI 0.03_01 metacpan
LWP::UserAgent::Role::CHICaching A role to allow LWP::UserAgent to cache with CHI 0.03_01 metacpan
LWP::UserAgent::Role::CHICaching::SimpleKeyGen A role for cache keys when caching LWP::UserAgent 0.03_01 metacpan
LWP::UserAgent::Role::CHICaching::SimpleMungeResponse A role to manipulate the response when caching 0.03_01 metacpan
LWP::UserAgent::Role::CHICaching::VaryNotAsterisk A role for when Vary is not * when caching LWP::UserAgent 0.03_01 metacpan

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