Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).


Name Abstract Version View
Bio::Palantir core classes and utilities for Bio::Palantir 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Explorer front-end class for Bio::Palantir::Explorer module, wich handles the NRPS/PKS domain exploration without pre-existing consensus architecture 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Explorer::ClusterFasta Explorer internal class for handling ClusterFasta objects 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Explorer::GeneFasta Explorer internal class for handling GeneFasta objects 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Parser front-end class for Bio::Palantir::Parser module, wich handles the parsing of biosynML.xml and regions.js antiSMASH reports 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Parser::Cluster BiosynML DTD-derived internal class 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Parser::Domain BiosynML DTD-derived internal class 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Parser::Gene BiosynML DTD-derived internal class 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Parser::Location BiosynML DTD-derived internal class 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Parser::Motif BiosynML DTD-derived internal class 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Parser::Qualifier BiosynML DTD-derived internal class 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Parser::Root BiosynML DTD-derived internal class 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Refiner front-end class for Bio::Palantir::Refiner module, wich handles the refinement of NRPS/PKS BGC annotations 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Refiner::ClusterPlus Refiner internal class for handling ClusterPlus objects 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Refiner::DomainPlus Refiner internal class for handling DomainPlus objects 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Refiner::GenePlus Refiner internal class for handling GenePlus objects 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Roles::Clusterable Clusterable Moose role for Cluster and ClusterPlus objects 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Roles::Domainable Domainable Moose role for Domain and DomainPlus objects 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Roles::Fillable Fillable Moose role for the construction of DomainPlus object arrays and Exploratory methods 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Roles::Geneable Geneable Moose role for Gene and GenePlus objects 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Roles::Modulable Modulable Moose role for Module object construction 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Roles::Modulable::Component 0.211420 metacpan
Bio::Palantir::Roles::Modulable::Module 0.211420 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan