
  • Module::Build
Egg-Release-2.24/lib/Egg/Helper/ -- Around line 392: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '‰¼‘zƒvƒ�ƒWƒFƒNƒg‚Ì'. Assuming CP1252 Egg-Release-2.24/lib/Egg/ -- Around line 271: L<> starts or ends with whitespace Egg-Release-2.24/lib/Egg/Plugin/DBI/ -- Around line 45: L<> starts or ends with whitespace Egg-Release-2.24/lib/Egg/Plugin/ -- Around line 54: L<> starts or ends with whitespace Around line 78: L<> starts or ends with whitespace Egg-Release-2.24/lib/Egg/Plugin/Upload/ -- Around line 31: L<> starts or ends with whitespace Around line 33: L<> starts or ends with whitespace Egg-Release-2.24/lib/Egg/Plugin/Upload/ -- Around line 34: L<> starts or ends with whitespace Egg-Release-2.24/lib/Egg/ -- Around line 56: L<> starts or ends with whitespace L<> starts or ends with whitespace Egg-Release-2.24/lib/Egg/ -- Around line 427: L<> starts or ends with whitespace Egg-Release-2.24/lib/Egg/View/ -- Around line 110: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '‚É“n‚·'. Assuming CP1252
  • APR::Pool
  • Apache
  • Apache2::Request
  • Apache2::RequestIO
  • Apache2::RequestRec
  • Apache2::RequestUtil
  • Apache::Request
  • CGI::Upload
  • Class::Data::Inheritable
  • FCGI
  • Time::Piece::MySQL