Security Advisories

Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Plack::App::Cascade, Plack::Builder, Plack::HTTPParser, Plack::Loader, Plack::MIME, Plack::Middleware::Auth::Basic, Plack::Middleware::Chunked, Plack::Middleware::Conditional, Plack::Middleware::ConditionalGET, Plack::Middleware::JSONP, Plack::Middleware::Lint, Plack::Middleware::Runtime, Plack::Middleware::Writer, Plack::Server, Plack::Server::Apache1, Plack::Util


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.


Name Abstract Version View
HTTP::Message::PSGI Converts HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response from/to PSGI env and response metacpan
Plack PSGI toolkit and servers 0.9030 metacpan
Plack::App::CGIBin cgi-bin replacement for Plack servers metacpan
Plack::App::Cascade Cascadable compound application metacpan
Plack::App::Directory Serve static files from document root with directory index metacpan
Plack::App::FCGIDispatcher Dispatch requests to FCGI servers metacpan
Plack::App::File Serve static files from root directory metacpan
Plack::App::PSGIBin Run .psgi files from a directory metacpan
Plack::App::URLMap Map multiple apps in different paths metacpan
Plack::Builder OO and DSL to enable Plack Middlewares metacpan
Plack::Component Base class for PSGI endpoints metacpan
Plack::HTTPParser Parse HTTP headers metacpan
Plack::HTTPParser::PP Pure perl fallback of HTTP::Parser::XS metacpan
Plack::Loader (auto)load Plack Servers metacpan
Plack::Loader::Reloadable metacpan
Plack::MIME MIME type registry metacpan
Plack::Middleware Base class for easy-to-use PSGI middleware metacpan
Plack::Middleware::AccessLog Logs requests like Apache's log format metacpan
Plack::Middleware::AccessLog::Timed Logs requests with time and accurate body size metacpan
Plack::Middleware::Auth::Basic Simple basic authentication middleware metacpan
Plack::Middleware::Chunked Applies chunked encoding to the response body metacpan
Plack::Middleware::Conditional Conditional wrapper for Plack middleware metacpan
Plack::Middleware::ConditionalGET Middleware to add "conditional", GET metacpan
Plack::Middleware::ContentLength Adds Content-Length header automatically metacpan
Plack::Middleware::ContentMD5 Automatically sets the Content-MD5 header on all String bodies metacpan
Plack::Middleware::ErrorDocument Set Error Document based on HTTP status code metacpan
Plack::Middleware::JSONP Wraps JSON response in JSONP if callback parameter is specified metacpan
Plack::Middleware::Lint Validate request and response metacpan
Plack::Middleware::MethodOverride Overrides HTTP method with X-HTTP-Method-Override header metacpan
Plack::Middleware::RearrangeHeaders Reorder HTTP headers for buggy clients metacpan
Plack::Middleware::Runtime Sets an X-Runtime response header metacpan
Plack::Middleware::SimpleContentFilter Filters response content metacpan
Plack::Middleware::StackTrace Displays stack trace when your app dies metacpan
Plack::Middleware::Static serve static files with Plack metacpan
Plack::Middleware::Writer metacpan
Plack::Middleware::XFramework Sample middleware to add X-Framework metacpan
Plack::Middleware::XSendfile Sets X-Sendfile (or a like) header for frontends metacpan
Plack::Runner plackup core metacpan
Plack::Server Standard interface for Plack implementations metacpan
Plack::Server::Apache1 Apache 1.3.x handlers to run PSGI application metacpan
Plack::Server::Apache2 Apache 2.0 handlers to run PSGI application metacpan
Plack::Server::CGI metacpan
Plack::Server::FCGI metacpan
Plack::Server::Standalone single process standalone HTTP server metacpan
Plack::Server::Standalone::Prefork Prefork standalone HTTP server metacpan
Plack::Test Test PSGI applications with various backends metacpan
Plack::Test::MockHTTP Run mocked HTTP tests through PSGI applications metacpan
Plack::Test::Server Run HTTP tests through live Plack servers metacpan
Plack::Test::Suite metacpan
Plack::Util Utility subroutines for Plack server and framework developers metacpan
Plack::Util::Accessor Accessor generation utility for Plack metacpan


Name File View
CalledClose lib/Plack/Test/ metacpan
Plack::Server::CGI::Writer lib/Plack/Server/ metacpan
Plack::Util::IOWithPath lib/Plack/ metacpan
Plack::Util::Prototype lib/Plack/ metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan