Kwalitee Issues


Add =head1 LICENSE and the text of the license to the main module in your code.


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: GenOO::GeneCollection::Factory, GenOO::RegionCollection::Factory, GenOO::TranscriptCollection::Factory


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add =head1 LICENSE and/or the proper text of the well-known license to the main module in your code.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: GenOO::GeneCollection::Factory, GenOO::RegionCollection::Factory, GenOO::TranscriptCollection::Factory


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
GenOO A Modern Perl Framework for High Throughput Sequencing analysis 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::DB::Connector 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::DB::DBIC::Species::Schema Schema object 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::DB::DBIC::Species::Schema::SampleResultBase::v1 DBIC Result class for sequenced reads 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::DB::DBIC::Species::Schema::SampleResultBase::v2 DBIC Result class for sequenced reads 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::DB::DBIC::Species::Schema::SampleResultBase::v3 DBIC Result class for sequenced reads 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::File::BED Object implementing methods for accessing bed formatted files ( 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::File::BED::Record Object representing a record of a bed file 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::File::FASTA Object implementing methods for accessing fasta formatted files ( 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::File::FASTA::Record Object representing a record of a fasta file 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::File::FASTQ Object implementing methods for accessing fastq formatted files 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::File::FASTQ::Record Object representing a record of a fastq file 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::File::GFF Object implementing methods for accessing GFF formatted files ( 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::File::GFF::Record Object representing a record of a gff file 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::File::SAM Object implementing methods for accessing SAM formatted files 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::File::SAM::Cigar Role that corresponds to the SAM file CIGAR string 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::File::SAM::CigarAndMDZ Role that combines SAM CIGAR string with MD:Z tag 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::File::SAM::MDZ Role - The MD:Z tag in a SAM file 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::File::SAM::Record Object representing a record of a sam file 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Data::Structure::DoubleHashArray Object for a data structure which corresponds of a 2D hash whose values are references to array 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Exon Exon object 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Gene Gene object 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::GeneCollection::Factory Factory for creating L<GenOO::RegionCollection> objects 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::GeneCollection::Factory::FromTranscriptCollection Factory for creating GenOO::GeneCollection object from a Transcript Collection and a hash{transcript_name} = genename 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::GeneCollection::Factory::GTF Factory to create GeneCollection from a GTF file 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::GenomicRegion Object that corresponds to a region on a genome 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Helper::MyMath A collection of useful mathematical methods 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Intron Intron object 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Junction A junction (eg exon-exon) object with features 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Module::Search::Binary Module that offers methods for searching in an array using binary search 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Region Role that represents a region on a reference sequence 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::RegionCollection Role for a collection of GenOO::Region objects 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::RegionCollection::Factory Factory for creating L<GenOO::RegionCollection> objects 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::RegionCollection::Factory::BED Factory for creating GenOO::RegionCollection object from a BED file 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::RegionCollection::Factory::DBIC 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::RegionCollection::Factory::RegionArray Factory for creating a RegionCollection from array of regions 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::RegionCollection::Factory::Requires Role for a concrete factory that creates GenOO::RegionCollection objects 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::RegionCollection::Factory::SAM Factory for creating GenOO::RegionCollection object from a SAM file 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::RegionCollection::Type::DBIC Class for a collection of GenOO::Region objects stored in a database. 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::RegionCollection::Type::DoubleHashArray Object for a collection of GenOO::Region objects, with features 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Spliceable Role for a region that can be spliced 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Transcript Corresponds to a gene transcript 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Transcript::CDS Transcript part (coding sequence) 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Transcript::Part A functional region within a transcript consisting of spliceable elements 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Transcript::UTR3 Transcript part (coding sequence) 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::Transcript::UTR5 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::TranscriptCollection Role for a collection of GenOO::Transcript objects 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::TranscriptCollection::Factory Factory for creating L<GenOO::TranscriptCollection> objects 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::TranscriptCollection::Factory::FromGeneCollection Factory to create GenOO::TranscriptCollection object from a GeneCollection 1.005002 metacpan
GenOO::TranscriptCollection::Factory::GTF Factory to create TranscriptCollection from a GTF file 1.005002 metacpan

Other Files

MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan metacpan
dist.ini metacpan