Kwalitee Issues


Change the permissions of Build.PL/Makefile.PL to not-executable.


Upgrade the bundled version of Module::Install to the most current release. Alternatively, you can switch to another build system / installer that does not suffer from this problem. (ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build both of which have their own set of problems.)


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: WWW::Search::Null, WWW::Search::Simple, WWW::SearchResult


Make sure that the main module name and version are the same of the distribution.


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Add =head1 LICENSE and/or the proper text of the well-known license to the main module in your code.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: WWW::Search, WWW::Search::Null, WWW::Search::Null::Count, WWW::Search::Null::Empty, WWW::Search::Null::Error, WWW::Search::Null::NoVersion, WWW::Search::Result, WWW::Search::Simple, WWW::Search::Test, WWW::SearchResult


Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).

Error: 1.003,1.006,1.008,1.011,2.068,2.270,2.540


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).


This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.


Name Abstract Version View
WWW::Search Virtual base class for WWW searches 2.540 metacpan
WWW::Search::Null metacpan
WWW::Search::Null::Count class for testing WWW::Search clients 1.011 metacpan
WWW::Search::Null::Empty class for testing WWW::Search clients 1.006 metacpan
WWW::Search::Null::Error class for testing WWW::Search clients 1.008 metacpan
WWW::Search::Null::NoVersion class for testing WWW::Search metacpan
WWW::Search::Result class for results returned from WWW::Search 1.003 metacpan
WWW::Search::Simple class for searching any web site metacpan
WWW::Search::Test 2.270 metacpan
WWW::SearchResult class for results returned from WWW::Search 2.068 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan