Kwalitee Issues


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: App::pickle::OptArgs


List all used modules in META.yml requires


  • autodie


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: App::pickle::OptArgs


Name Abstract Version View
App::pickle::OptArgs Defines the command line arguments to be parsed. metacpan
App::pickle::export Converts PickLE pick lists into other files. metacpan
App::pickle::import Converts external files into PickLE pick lists. metacpan
PickLE An electronic component pick list application and file parser library. v0.1.0 metacpan
PickLE::Category Representation of a category in a pick list metacpan
PickLE::Component Representation of an electronic component in a pick list metacpan
PickLE::Converter::EagleBOM Converts an EAGLE exported BOM CSV file metacpan
PickLE::Document Component pick list document abstraction metacpan
PickLE::Exporter::HTML Converts a PickLE document to HTML. metacpan
PickLE::Exporter::JSON Converts a PickLE document to JSON. metacpan
PickLE::Property Representation of a header property in a pick list metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan metacpan
cpanfile metacpan