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Name Abstract Version View
PDF::Builder Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Annotation Add annotations to a PDF 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF Various utilities and support routines 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Array Corresponds to a PDF array. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Bool A special form of L<PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::String> which holds the strings B<true> or B<false> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict PDF Dictionaries and Streams. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::File Holds the trailers and cross-reference tables for a PDF file 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter Abstract superclass for PDF stream filters 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::ASCII85Decode compress and uncompress stream filters for ASCII-85 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::ASCIIHexDecode compress and uncompress stream filters for ASCII-Hex 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::FlateDecode compress and uncompress stream filters for Flate 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::LZWDecode compress and uncompress stream filters for Lempel-Ziv-Welch 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::RunLengthDecode compress and uncompress stream filters for Run-Length 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Literal Literal PDF Object. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Name Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::String> and stores PDF names (things beginning with /) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Null PDF Null type object. This is a subclass of PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind and cannot be subclassed. 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Number Numbers in PDF. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::String> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind PDF indirect object reference. Also acts as an abstract superclass for all elements in a PDF file. 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Page Represents a PDF page, inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Pages> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Pages a PDF pages hierarchical element. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::String PDF String type objects and superclass for simple objects that are basically stringlike (Number, Name, etc.) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Utils Utility functions for PDF library 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Content Methods for adding graphics and text to a PDF 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Content::Hyphenate_basic Simple hyphenation capability 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Content::Text additional specialized text-related formatting methods. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Content> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Docs additional documentation for Builder module 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::FontManager Managing the font library for PDF::Builder 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Lite Lightweight PDF creation methods 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Matrix matrix operations library 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::NamedDestination Add named destinations (views) to a PDF 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Outline Manage PDF outlines (a.k.a. I<bookmarks>) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Outlines further Outline handling. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Outline> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Page Methods to interact with individual pages 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource Base class for PDF resources. Inherit from L<PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::BaseFont Base class for font resources 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::CIDFont Base class for CID fonts 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont Base class for CJK fonts 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::CIDFont::TrueType TrueType font support 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::CIDFont::TrueType::FontFile additional code support for TT font files. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace Base class for PDF color spaces 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::DeviceN colorspace handling for Device CMYK. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed base colorspace support for indexed color models. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::ACTFile Adobe Color Table support 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::Hue colorspace support for Device RGB. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed::WebColor colorspace support for "Web Safe" Device RGB colors. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Indexed> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::ColorSpace::Separation Support for color space separations 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Colors translate color names into RGB settings 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::ExtGState Graphics state dictionary support 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font some common support routines for font files. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::BaseFont> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::BdFont Module for using bitmapped Fonts. 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont Module for using the 14 standard PDF built-in Fonts (plus 15 Windows Fonts). 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::bankgothic font-specific information for Bank Gothic font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courier font-specific information for regular Courier font 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courierbold font-specific information for bold weight Courier font 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courierboldoblique font-specific information for bold weight + slanted Courier font 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::courieroblique font-specific information for slanted Courier font 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgia font-specific information for regular Georgia font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiabold font-specific information for bold weight Georgia font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiabolditalic font-specific information for bold weight + italic Georgia font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::georgiaitalic font-specific information for italic Georgia font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helvetica font-specific information for regular Helvetica font. Metrics and glyph list from Arial typeface. 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticabold font-specific information for bold weight Helvetica font. Metrics and glyph list from Arial typeface. 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticaboldoblique font-specific information for bold weight + slanted Helvetica font. Metrics and glyph list from Arial font. 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::helveticaoblique font-specific information for slanted Helvetica font. Metrics and glyph list from Arial font. 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::symbol font-specific information for the Symbol font 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesbold font-specific information for bold weight Times font 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesbolditalic font-specific information for bold weight + italic Times font 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesitalic font-specific information for italic Times font 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::timesroman font-specific information for regular (roman) Times font 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchet font-specific information for regular Trebuchet font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetbold font-specific information for bold-weight Trebuchet font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetbolditalic font-specific information for bold weight + italic Trebuchet font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::trebuchetitalic font-specific information for italic Trebuchet font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdana font-specific information for regular Verdana font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanabold font-specific information for bold weight Verdana font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanabolditalic font-specific information for bold weight + italic Verdana font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::verdanaitalic font-specific information for italic Verdana font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::webdings font-specific information for WebDings symbol font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::wingdings font-specific information for WingDings symbol font (I<not> standard PDF core) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::CoreFont::zapfdingbats font-specific information for Zapf Dingbats symbol font 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::Postscript support routines for using PostScript fonts. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::Font> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Font::SynFont Module for creating temporary synthetic Fonts. 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Glyphs preparsed uniglyph.txt file information 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::PaperSizes list of standard paper sizes and their dimensions 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Pattern support stub for patterns. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::Shading support stub for shading patterns. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::UniFont Unicode Font Support 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject Base class for external objects 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form Base class for external form objects 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode Base class for one-dimensional barcodes 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::codabar specific information for CodaBar bar codes. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::code128 Code 128 and EAN-128 barcode support 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::code3of9 specific information for 3-of-9 bar codes. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::ean13 specific information for EAN-13 bar codes. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode::int2of5 specific information for interleaved 2-of-5 bar codes. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::BarCode> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form::Hybrid support routines for Forms. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Content>, L<PDF::Builder::Content::Text>, and L<PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Form> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image Base class for external raster image objects 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::GD support routines for Graphics Development image library. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::GIF support routines for GIF image library. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::JPEG support routines for JPEG image library. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::PNG support routines for PNG image library (using pure Perl code). Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::PNG_IPL support routines for PNG image library (using Image::PNG::Libpng). Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::PNM support routines for PNM (Portable aNy Map) image library. Inherits from L<PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image> 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF TIFF image support 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF::File support routines for TIFF image library 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF::File_GT support routines for TIFF image library (Graphics::TIFF enabled) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Resource::XObject::Image::TIFF_GT TIFF image support (Graphics::TIFF enabled) 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::UniWrap support routines for finding line breakpoints with Unicode text 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::Util utility package for often-used methods across the package. 3.026 metacpan
PDF::Builder::ViewerPreferences How the PDF should be displayed or printed 3.026 metacpan

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