Kwalitee Issues


Add a META.yml to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
Dist::Zilla distribution builder; installer not included! 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::App Dist::Zilla's App::Cmd 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::App::Command base class for dzil commands 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::App::Command::build build your dist 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::App::Command::clean clean up after build, test, or install 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::App::Command::install install your dist 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::App::Command::new start a new dist 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::App::Command::release release your dist to the CPAN 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::App::Command::smoke smoke your dist 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::App::Command::test test your dist 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Config stored configuration loader role 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Config::INI read in a dist.ini file 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory a file that you build entirely in memory 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::File::OnDisk a file that comes from your filesystem 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AllFiles gather all the files in your dist's root 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoVersion take care of numbering versions so you don't have to 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BumpVersion bump the configured version number by one before building 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ExtraTests rewrite ./xt tests to ./t tests with skips 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InlineFiles files in a data section 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InstallDirs mark directory contents for installation 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::License output a LICENSE file 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker build a Makefile.PL that uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Manifest build a MANIFEST file 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ManifestSkip decline to build files that appear in a MANIFEST.SKIP-like file 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaJSON produce a META.json 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaResources provide arbitrary "resources" for distribution metadata 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaTests common extra tests for META.yml 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaYAML produce a META.yml 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleBuild build a Build.PL that uses Module::Build 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::NextRelease update the next release number in your changelog 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PkgVersion add a $VERSION to your packages 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodTests common extra tests for pod 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodVersion add a VERSION head1 to each Perl document 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereq list simple prerequisites 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PruneCruft prune stuff that you probably don't mean to include 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PruneFiles prune arbirary files from the dist 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Readme build a README file 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::UploadToCPAN upload the dist to CPAN 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Classic build something more or less like a "classic" CPAN dist 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Filter use another bundle, with some plugins removed 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::AfterBuild something that runs after building is mostly complete 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::BeforeBuild something that runs before building really begins 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::File something that can act like a file 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer something that gathers files into the distribution 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::FileInjector something that can add files to the distribution 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger something that alters a file's destination or content 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::FilePruner something that removes found files from the distribution 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::FixedPrereqs enumerate fixed (non-conditional) prerequisites 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::InstallTool something that creates an install program for a dist 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::MetaProvider something that provides metadata (for META.yml/json) 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::Plugin something that gets plugged in to Dist::Zilla 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle a bundle of plugins 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::Releaser something that makes a release of the dist 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplate something that renders a Text::Template template string 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Role::VersionProvider something that provides a version number for the dist 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Tutorial how to use this "Dist::Zilla" thing 1.091430 metacpan
Dist::Zilla::Util random snippets of code that Dist::Zilla wants 1.091430 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
dist.ini metacpan
t/eg/DZ1/dist.ini metacpan