Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).


This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.


Name Abstract Version View
Yahoo::Marketing an interface for Yahoo! Search Marketing's Web Services. 6.11 metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Account an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Account. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AccountAggregate an object to represent a master account and the spend account(s) related to the master account. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AccountBalance an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AccountBalance. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AccountService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Account SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Ad an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Ad. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AdEditorialReasons an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AdEditorialReasons. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AdGroup an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AdGroup. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AdGroupForecastRequestData an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AdGroupForecastRequestData. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AdGroupOptimizationGuidelines an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AdGroupOptimizationGuidelines. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AdGroupOptimizationGuidelinesResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AdGroupOptimizationGuidelinesResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AdGroupResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AdGroupResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AdGroupService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's AdGroup SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AdResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AdResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AdService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Ad SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Address an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Address. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AgeRange an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AgeRange. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AgeTarget an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AgeTarget. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::AmbiguousGeoMatch an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AmbiguousGeoMatch. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ApiFault an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ApiFault. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Authorization an object to represent an association between a role and an account. The user is assumed to be known. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BasicReportRequest an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BasicReportRequest. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BasicReportService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Report SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BasicResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BasicResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BidInformation an object to represent the current bid and cutoff bid required for a keyword to make it to the best rank. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BidInformationRequest an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BidInformationRequest. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BidInformationService an object that provides operations that return the current bid and cutoff bid required for a keyword to make it to best rank. You can use this information to optimize your keyword bid in real-time. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BidUpdateInfo an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BidUpdateInfo. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BillingUser an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BillingUser. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BucketType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BucketType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BudgetingService an object that provides operations for setting, updating, and viewing the daily spend limits of your account and campaign budgets. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BulkDownloadStatusInfo an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BulkDownloadStatusInfo. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BulkDownloadStatusResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BulkDownloadStatusResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BulkService an object that provides capability to modify or update an account's objects using a file based on the YSM bulk template. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BulkUploadStatusResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BulkUploadStatusResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::BulkUploadTokenUrlResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BulkUploadTokenUrlResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Campaign an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Campaign. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::CampaignOptimizationGuidelines an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing CampaignOptimizationGuidelines. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::CampaignOptimizationGuidelinesResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing CampaignOptimizationGuidelinesResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::CampaignResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing CampaignResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::CampaignService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Campaign SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Capability an object to represent a group of operations that a user can execute based on their assigned role within the system. Each role has a set of defined capabilities. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Carrier an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Carrier. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::CarrierBidInformation an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing CarrierBidInformation. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::CarrierBidInformationRequest an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing CarrierBidInformationRequest. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::CombinedAccountStatus an object to represent the status of the account as set by the user and the online status of the account as set by the system. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Company an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Company. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::CompanyService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Company SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ComplexType a base class for complex types. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ConverterService an object that provides bulksheet converter functions. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::CreditCardInfo an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing CreditCardInfo. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::DateTimeAccessor provides a tweak to Class::Accessor's set method to handle date time fields specially metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::DayPart an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing DayPart. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::DayPartingTarget an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing DayPartingTarget. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::DayPartingTargeting an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing DayPartingTargeting. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::DemographicTargeting an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing DemographicTargeting. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::DownloadFile an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing DownloadFile. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::EditorialReasons a base class for various EditoralReasons types. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Error an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Error. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ErrorType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ErrorType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ExcludedWord an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ExcludedWord. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ExcludedWordResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ExcludedWordResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ExcludedWordsService an object that provides operations for adding, deleting, and viewing excluded words at the account and ad group level. Excluded words are words or phrases that you want to exclude from the matching process when Advanced Match is enabled. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::FileOutputFormat an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing FileOutputFormat. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ForecastClickData an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastClickData. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ForecastCreative an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastCreative. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ForecastImpressionData an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastImpressionData. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ForecastKeyword an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastKeyword. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ForecastKeywordBatch an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastKeywordBatch. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ForecastKeywordBatchResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastKeywordBatchResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ForecastKeywordBatchResponseData an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastKeywordBatchResponseData. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ForecastKeywordResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastKeywordResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ForecastRequestData an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastRequestData. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ForecastResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ForecastResponseData an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastResponseData. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ForecastService an object that let you know the results you might expect from your ads (impressions, clicks, cost, and other performance metrics). Keep in mind that the results from a forecast are estimates only and are not guaranteed. You can perform forecasts for ad groups or keywords. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::GenderTarget an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing GenderTarget. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::GeoLocation an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing GeoLocation. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::GeoLocationProbability an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing GeoLocationProbability. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::GeoLocationProbabilitySet an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing GeoLocationProbabilitySet. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::GeoTarget an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing GeoTarget. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::GeographicalDictionaryService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Geographical Dictionary SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::HistoricalKeyword an object to represent keywords used for getting historical data. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::HistoricalKeywordResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing HistoricalKeywordResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::HistoricalKeywordResponseData an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing HistoricalKeywordResponseData. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::HistoricalRequestData an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing HistoricalRequestData. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::HistoricalResponseData an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing HistoricalResponseData. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Keyword an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Keyword. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordEditorialReasons an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordEditorialReasons. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordForecastRequestData an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordForecastRequestData. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordInfoRequestType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordInfoRequestType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordInfoResponseType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordInfoResponseType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordInfoType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordInfoType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordOptimizationGuidelines an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordOptimizationGuidelines. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordOptimizationGuidelinesResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordOptimizationGuidelinesResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordParticipationStatus an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordParticipationStatus. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordRejectionReasons an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordRejectionReasons. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordResearchService an object that provides operations for generating keyword recommendations based on advertiser bidded data. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Keyword SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::LocationService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Location SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::MasterAccount an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing MasterAccount. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::MasterAccountService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's MasterAccount SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::MobileDictionaryService an object that provides operations for retrieving markets that support Mobile Sponsored Search advertising and the list of mobile carriers supported for a given market. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Network an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Network. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::NetworkDistribution an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing NetworkDistribution. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::NetworkTarget an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing NetworkTarget. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::OptInAdGroupResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing OptInAdGroupResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::OptInCampaignResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing OptInCampaignResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::OptInStatus an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing OptInStatus. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::PageRelatedKeywordRequestType an object to represent a request for keyword suggestions based on the content of a specified web page. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::PaymentInfo an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing PaymentInfo. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::PaymentMethodInfo an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing PaymentMethodInfo. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Preferences an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Preferences. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ProcessStatus an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ProcessStatus. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::RangeDefinitionRequestType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RangeDefinitionRequestType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::RangeDefinitionResponseType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RangeDefinitionResponseType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::RangeDefinitionType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RangeDefinitionType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::RangeValueType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RangeValueType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::RelatedKeywordRequestType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RelatedKeywordRequestType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::RelatedKeywordResponseType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RelatedKeywordResponseType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::RelatedKeywordType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RelatedKeywordType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ReportDownloadInfo an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ReportDownloadInfo. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ReportInfo an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ReportInfo. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Response an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Response. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::ResponseStatusType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ResponseStatusType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Role an object to represent a user role for an account, for example, AccountAdministrator or CampaignManager. Roles determine the capabilities that a user has, which in turn determine the operations a user can execute within the system. The association between a User, a Role, and an Account is an Authorization. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Service a base class for Service modules metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::SetGeographicLocationResponse an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing SetGeographicLocationResponse. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::SpendLimit an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing SpendLimit. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::SponsoredSearchMinBidRequest an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing SponsoredSearchMinBidRequest. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::SubphraseKeywordRequestType an object represents a request for keyword phrase suggestions based on keyword specifications and phrase filters. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Summary an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Summary. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::TacticSpendCap an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing TacticSpendCap. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::TargetingAttribute an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing TargetingAttribute. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::TargetingAttributeDescriptor an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing TargetingAttributeDescriptor. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::TargetingConverterService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Targeting Converter SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::TargetingDictionaryService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Targeting Dictionary SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::TargetingPremium an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing TargetingPremium. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::TargetingProfile an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing TargetingProfile. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::TargetingService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Targeting SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::TargetingType an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing TargetingType. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Token an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Token. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::UpdateForAd an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing UpdateForAd. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::UpdateForKeyword an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing UpdateForKeyword. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::User an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing User. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::UserAuthorization an object to represent an association between a User, a Role and an Account. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::UserManagementService provides operations for user, authorization, and payment method management. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::VaultService an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Vault SOAP Service. metacpan
Yahoo::Marketing::Warning an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Warning. metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan