Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


This is not a critical issue. Currently mainly informative for the CPANTS authors. It might be removed later.


Name Abstract Version View
XML::Grammar::Fiction CPAN distribution implementing an XML grammar and a lightweight markup language for stories, novels and other fiction. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::App::FromProto command line app-in-a-module to convert from a well-formed plaintext format to Fiction-XML. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::App::ToDocBook command line app-in-a-module to convert a Fiction XML file to DocBook 5. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::App::ToHTML command line app-in-a-module to convert Fiction-XML file to HTML v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::Err Exception::Class-based exceptions used by XML::Grammar::Fiction v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto module that converts well-formed text representing prose to an XML format. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto::Node metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto::Node::Comment metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto::Node::Description metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto::Node::Element metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto::Node::InnerDesc metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto::Node::List metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto::Node::Paragraph metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto::Node::Saying metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto::Node::Text metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto::Node::WithContent metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto::Nodes contains several nodes for use in XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto::Parser base class for parsers of the Fiction-XML proto-text. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto::Parser::QnD Quick and Dirty parser for the Fiction-XML proto-text. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::RNG_Renderer metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::Struct::Tag information about an XML/SGML opening or closing tag. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::Struct::Tag::Para metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::ToDocBook module that converts the Fiction-XML to DocBook 5. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Fiction::ToHTML module that converts the Fiction-XML to HTML. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::FictionBase::Event a parser event. metacpan
XML::Grammar::FictionBase::FromProto::Parser::LineIterator line iterator base class for the parser. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::FictionBase::FromProto::Parser::XmlIterator line iterator base class with some nested XMLisms. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::FictionBase::TagsTree2XML base class for the tags-tree to XML converters. metacpan
XML::Grammar::FictionBase::XSLT::Converter base module that converts an XML file to a different XML file using an XSLT transform. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Screenplay CPAN distribution implementing an XML grammar for screenplays. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Screenplay::App::FromProto module implementing a command line application to convert a well-formed text to Screenplay XML. metacpan
XML::Grammar::Screenplay::App::ToDocBook module implementing a command line application to convert a Screenplay XML file to docbook. metacpan
XML::Grammar::Screenplay::App::ToHTML module implementing a command line application to convert a Screenplay XML file to HTML metacpan
XML::Grammar::Screenplay::Base base class for XML::Grammar::Screenplay classes. metacpan
XML::Grammar::Screenplay::FromProto module that converts well-formed text representing a screenplay to an XML format. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Screenplay::FromProto::Parser base class for parsers of the ScreenplayXML proto-text. metacpan
XML::Grammar::Screenplay::FromProto::Parser::QnD Quick and Dirty parser for the Screenplay-XML proto-text. metacpan
XML::Grammar::Screenplay::ToDocBook module that converts the Screenplay XML to DocBook. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Screenplay::ToHTML module that converts the Screenplay XML to HTML. v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Screenplay::ToTEI module that converts the Screenplay XML to TEI (Text Encoding Initiative). v0.8.0 metacpan
XML::Grammar::Screenplay::XSLT::Base base module for XML::Grammar::Screenplay XSLT conversions. metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan