Kwalitee Issues


Make sure that the main module name and version are the same of the distribution.


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
Slaughter::API::MSWin32 Perl Automation Tool Helper Windows implementation 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::API::freebsd Perl Automation Tool Helper FreeBSD implementation 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::API::generic Perl Automation Tool Helper generic implementation 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::API::linux Perl Automation Tool Helper Linux implementation 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::API::openbsd Perl Automation Tool Helper OpenBSD implementation 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Info::MSWin32 Determine information about a Windows host. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Info::freebsd Determine information about a FreeBSD host. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Info::generic Determine information about a generic host. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Info::linux Determine information about a Linux host. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Info::openbsd Determine information about an OpenBSD host. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Packages::freebsd Abstractions for FreeBSD package management. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Packages::linux Abstractions for GNU/Linux package management. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Packages::openbsd Abstractions for OpenBSD package management. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Private Perl Automation Tool Helper Internal Details 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Transport::git Git transport class. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Transport::hg Mercurial transport class. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Transport::http HTTP transport class. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Transport::local Local filesystem transport class. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Transport::mojo HTTP transport class. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Transport::revisionControl Transport base-class. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Transport::rsync rsync transport class. 3.000004 metacpan
Slaughter::Transport::svn Subversion transport class. 3.000004 metacpan

Other Files

ChangeLog metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan metacpan