Security Advisories

Kwalitee Issues


Add a META.yml to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Fix MANIFEST.SKIP or use an authoring tool which respects MANIFEST.SKIP. Note that each entry in MANIFEST.SKIP is a regular expression. You may need to add appropriate meta characters not to ignore necessary stuff.

Error: JPEG/jpeg/cjpeg.1,JPEG/jpeg/cjpeg.c,JPEG/jpeg/djpeg.1,JPEG/jpeg/djpeg.c,JPEG/jpeg/jpegtran.1,JPEG/jpeg/jpegtran.c,JPEG/jpeg/rdjpgcom.1,JPEG/jpeg/rdjpgcom.c,JPEG/jpeg/wrjpgcom.1,JPEG/jpeg/wrjpgcom.c,PNG/zlib/contrib/blast/Makefile,PNG/zlib/contrib/minizip/Makefile,PNG/zlib/contrib/puff/Makefile,PNG/zlib/contrib/untgz/Makefile


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: PreLoad, Tk::After, Tk::Animation, Tk::Bitmap, Tk::Canvas, Tk::Checkbutton, Tk::Compound, Tk::Configure, Tk::DragDrop::SunConst, Tk::DragDrop::Win32Drop, Tk::DummyEncode, Tk::English, Tk::Event, Tk::HList, Tk::Image, Tk::ImageBack, Tk::InputO, Tk::ItemStyle, Tk::JPEG, Tk::LabEntry, Tk::LabFrame, Tk::LabRadiobutton, Tk::Label, Tk::Menubutton, Tk::Mwm, Tk::NBFrame, Tk::PNG, Tk::Photo, Tk::Pixmap, Tk::Pretty, Tk::ROText, Tk::Radiobutton, Tk::Reindex, Tk::Scale, Tk::Scrollbar, Tk::Stats, Tk::Submethods, Tk::Text::Tag, Tk::TextEdit, Tk::TextUndo, Tk::Tiler, Tk::Toplevel, Tk::WinPhoto, Tk::Xlib, Tk::Xrm, Tk::install, Tk::widgets


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: Tk-804.027_500/pod/Button.pod -- Around line 39: alternative text 'Perl/Tk callback' contains non-escaped | or / Around line 145: alternative text 'perl/Tk callback' contains non-escaped | or / Tk-804.027_500/pod/Checkbutton.pod -- Around line 39: alternative text 'perl/Tk callback' contains non-escaped | or / Around line 199: alternative text 'perl/Tk callback' contains non-escaped | or / Around line 269: alternative text 'perl/Tk callback' contains non-escaped | or / alternative text 'perl/Tk callback' contains non-escaped | or / Tk-804.027_500/pod/Menu.pod -- Around line 72: alternative text 'perl/Tk callback' contains non-escaped | or / Tk-804.027_500/pod/Radiobutton.pod -- Around line 39: alternative text 'perl/Tk callback' contains non-escaped | or / Around line 188: alternative text 'perl/Tk callback' contains non-escaped | or / Tk-804.027_500/pod/Scale.pod -- Around line 48: alternative text 'perl/Tk callback' contains non-escaped | or / Tk-804.027_500/pod/Text.pod -- Around line 165: alternative text 'perl/Tk callbacks' contains non-escaped | or /


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Define the license if you are using in Build.PL. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade to ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.31.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: PreLoad, Tie::Watch, Tk, Tk::Adjuster, Tk::After, Tk::Animation, Tk::Balloon, Tk::Bitmap, Tk::BrowseEntry, Tk::Button, Tk::Canvas, Tk::Checkbutton, Tk::Clipboard, Tk::CmdLine, Tk::ColorEditor, Tk::Compound, Tk::Configure, Tk::Derived, Tk::Dialog, Tk::DialogBox, Tk::DirTree, Tk::Dirlist, Tk::DragDrop, Tk::DragDrop::Common, Tk::DragDrop::Local, Tk::DragDrop::Rect, Tk::DragDrop::SunConst, Tk::DragDrop::SunDrop, Tk::DragDrop::SunSite, Tk::DragDrop::Win32Drop, Tk::DragDrop::Win32Site, Tk::DragDrop::XDNDDrop, Tk::DragDrop::XDNDSite, Tk::DropSite, Tk::DummyEncode, Tk::English, Tk::Entry, Tk::ErrorDialog, Tk::Event, Tk::Event::IO, Tk::FBox, Tk::FileSelect, Tk::FloatEntry, Tk::Font, Tk::Frame, Tk::HList, Tk::IO, Tk::IconList, Tk::Image, Tk::ImageBack, Tk::InputO, Tk::ItemStyle, Tk::JPEG, Tk::LabEntry, Tk::LabFrame, Tk::LabRadiobutton, Tk::Label, Tk::Labelframe, Tk::Listbox, Tk::MMtry, Tk::MMutil, Tk::MainWindow, Tk::MakeDepend, Tk::Menu, Tk::Menu::Item, Tk::Menubar, Tk::Menubutton, Tk::Message, Tk::MsgBox, Tk::Mwm, Tk::NBFrame, Tk::NoteBook, Tk::Optionmenu, Tk::PNG, Tk::Pane, Tk::Panedwindow, Tk::Photo, Tk::Pixmap, Tk::Pretty, Tk::ProgressBar, Tk::ROText, Tk::Radiobutton, Tk::Region, Tk::Reindex, Tk::ReindexedROText, Tk::ReindexedText, Tk::Scale, Tk::Scrollbar, Tk::Spinbox, Tk::Stats, Tk::Submethods, Tk::TList, Tk::Table, Tk::Text, Tk::Text::Tag, Tk::TextEdit, Tk::TextList, Tk::TextUndo, Tk::Tiler, Tk::TixGrid, Tk::Toplevel, Tk::Trace, Tk::Tree, Tk::Widget, Tk::WinPhoto, Tk::Wm, Tk::X, Tk::X11Font, Tk::Xlib, Tk::Xrm, Tk::install, Tk::widgets


Ask the owner of the distribution (the one who released it first, or the one who is designated in x_authority) to give you a (co-)maintainer's permission.


  • Ball
  • Plot
  • Tie::Watch::Array
  • Tie::Watch::Hash
  • Tie::Watch::Scalar


Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).

Error: 1.2,4.001,4.002,4.003,4.004,4.005,4.006,4.007,4.008,4.009,4.010,4.011,4.012,4.013,4.014,4.015,4.016,4.017,4.019,4.022,4.025,4.031,804.027_500


Name Abstract Version View
PreLoad 4.004 metacpan
Tie::Watch place watchpoints on Perl variables. 1.2 metacpan
Tk a graphical user interface toolkit for Perl 804.027_500 metacpan
Tk::Adjuster 4.008 metacpan
Tk::After 4.007 metacpan
Tk::Animation 4.007 metacpan
Tk::Balloon 4.011 metacpan
Tk::Bitmap 4.004 metacpan
Tk::BrowseEntry 4.014 metacpan
Tk::Button 4.009 metacpan
Tk::Canvas 4.012 metacpan
Tk::Checkbutton 4.006 metacpan
Tk::Clipboard 4.008 metacpan
Tk::CmdLine 4.007 metacpan
Tk::ColorEditor 4.009 metacpan
Tk::Compound 4.004 metacpan
Tk::Configure 4.008 metacpan
Tk::Derived 4.010 metacpan
Tk::Dialog 4.005 metacpan
Tk::DialogBox 4.014 metacpan
Tk::DirTree 4.014 metacpan
Tk::Dirlist 4.004 metacpan
Tk::DragDrop 4.014 metacpan
Tk::DragDrop::Common 4.004 metacpan
Tk::DragDrop::Local 4.004 metacpan
Tk::DragDrop::Rect 4.011 metacpan
Tk::DragDrop::SunConst 4.004 metacpan
Tk::DragDrop::SunDrop 4.005 metacpan
Tk::DragDrop::SunSite 4.006 metacpan
Tk::DragDrop::Win32Drop 4.004 metacpan
Tk::DragDrop::Win32Site 4.008 metacpan
Tk::DragDrop::XDNDDrop 4.006 metacpan
Tk::DragDrop::XDNDSite 4.006 metacpan
Tk::DropSite 4.007 metacpan
Tk::DummyEncode 4.007 metacpan
Tk::English 4.006 metacpan
Tk::Entry 4.017 metacpan
Tk::ErrorDialog 4.007 metacpan
Tk::Event 4.016 metacpan
Tk::Event::IO 4.008 metacpan
Tk::FBox 4.019 metacpan
Tk::FileSelect 4.016 metacpan
Tk::FloatEntry 4.004 metacpan
Tk::Font 4.004 metacpan
Tk::Frame 4.010 metacpan
Tk::HList 4.014 metacpan
Tk::IO 4.004 metacpan
Tk::IconList 4.007 metacpan
Tk::Image 4.011 metacpan
Tk::ImageBack 4.004 metacpan
Tk::InputO 4.004 metacpan
Tk::ItemStyle 4.004 metacpan
Tk::JPEG JPEG loader for Tk::Photo 4.003 metacpan
Tk::LabEntry 4.006 metacpan
Tk::LabFrame 4.010 metacpan
Tk::LabRadiobutton 4.004 metacpan
Tk::Label 4.006 metacpan
Tk::Labelframe 4.002 metacpan
Tk::Listbox 4.014 metacpan
Tk::MMtry 4.010 metacpan
Tk::MMutil 4.022 metacpan
Tk::MainWindow 4.013 metacpan
Tk::MakeDepend 4.013 metacpan
Tk::Menu 4.022 metacpan
Tk::Menu::Item 4.005 metacpan
Tk::Menubar 4.006 metacpan
Tk::Menubutton 4.005 metacpan
Tk::Message 4.006 metacpan
Tk::MsgBox 4.001 metacpan
Tk::Mwm 4.004 metacpan
Tk::NBFrame 4.004 metacpan
Tk::NoteBook 4.010 metacpan
Tk::Optionmenu 4.014 metacpan
Tk::PNG PNG loader for Tk::Photo 4.004 metacpan
Tk::Pane A window panner 4.007 metacpan
Tk::Panedwindow 4.003 metacpan
Tk::Photo 4.005 metacpan
Tk::Pixmap 4.004 metacpan
Tk::Pretty 4.006 metacpan
Tk::ProgressBar A graphical progress bar 4.011 metacpan
Tk::ROText 4.010 metacpan
Tk::Radiobutton 4.006 metacpan
Tk::Region 4.006 metacpan
Tk::Reindex change the base index of Text-like widgets 4.005 metacpan
Tk::ReindexedROText 4.004 metacpan
Tk::ReindexedText 4.004 metacpan
Tk::Scale 4.004 metacpan
Tk::Scrollbar 4.010 metacpan
Tk::Spinbox 4.006 metacpan
Tk::Stats 4.004 metacpan
Tk::Submethods 4.005 metacpan
Tk::TList 4.006 metacpan
Tk::Table 4.013 metacpan
Tk::Text 4.025 metacpan
Tk::Text::Tag 4.004 metacpan
Tk::TextEdit 4.004 metacpan
Tk::TextList 4.006 metacpan
Tk::TextUndo 4.013 metacpan
Tk::Tiler 4.012 metacpan
Tk::TixGrid 4.009 metacpan
Tk::Toplevel 4.006 metacpan
Tk::Trace emulate Tcl/Tk B<trace> functions. 4.008 metacpan
Tk::Tree 4.006 metacpan
Tk::Widget 4.031 metacpan
Tk::WinPhoto Load a Photo image from a window 4.004 metacpan
Tk::Wm 4.015 metacpan
Tk::X 4.005 metacpan
Tk::X11Font 4.007 metacpan
Tk::Xlib 4.004 metacpan
Tk::Xrm 4.005 metacpan
Tk::install 4.004 metacpan
Tk::widgets 4.005 metacpan


Name File View
Ball demos/demos/widget_lib/ metacpan
Plot demos/demos/widget_lib/ metacpan
Tie::Watch::Array lib/Tie/ metacpan
Tie::Watch::Hash lib/Tie/ metacpan
Tie::Watch::Scalar lib/Tie/ metacpan
Tk::Adjuster::Item Tk/ metacpan
Tk::ColorDialog Tk/ metacpan
Tk::ColorSelect Tk/ metacpan
Tk::DirTreeDialog Tixish/ metacpan
Tk::DummyEncode::iso8859_1 Tk/ metacpan
Tk::LabeledEntryLabeledRadiobutton demos/demos/ metacpan
Tk::Menu::Button Tk/Menu/ metacpan
Tk::Menu::Cascade Tk/Menu/ metacpan
Tk::Menu::Checkbutton Tk/Menu/ metacpan
Tk::Menu::Radiobutton Tk/Menu/ metacpan
Tk::Menu::Separator Tk/Menu/ metacpan
WidgetDemo demos/demos/widget_lib/ metacpan

Other Files

Canvas/Makefile.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
Compound/Makefile.PL metacpan
DragDrop/Makefile.PL metacpan
DragDrop/Win32Site/Makefile.PL metacpan
Entry/Makefile.PL metacpan
Event/Makefile.PL metacpan
Extensions/ImageBack/MANIFEST metacpan
Extensions/ImageBack/Makefile.PL metacpan
HList/Makefile.PL metacpan
IO/Makefile.PL metacpan
InputO/Makefile.PL metacpan
JPEG/Makefile.PL metacpan
Listbox/Makefile.PL metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
Menubutton/Makefile.PL metacpan
Mwm/Makefile.PL metacpan
NBFrame/Makefile.PL metacpan
PNG/Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
README-ActiveState.txt metacpan
README.AIX metacpan
README.HPUX metacpan
README.IRIX metacpan
README.OSF metacpan
README.OpenBSD metacpan
README.SCO metacpan
README.SVR4 metacpan
README.Solaris metacpan
README.cygwin metacpan
README.darwin metacpan
README.linux metacpan
README.os2 metacpan
README.ultrix metacpan
Scale/Makefile.PL metacpan
Scrollbar/Makefile.PL metacpan
TList/Makefile.PL metacpan
Text/Makefile.PL metacpan
TextList/Makefile.PL metacpan
TixGrid/Makefile.PL metacpan
TixPixmap/Makefile.PL metacpan
Tixish/Makefile.PL metacpan
WinPhoto/Makefile.PL metacpan
Xlib/Makefile.PL metacpan
Xlib/X/Makefile.PL metacpan
demos/MANIFEST metacpan
demos/Makefile.PL metacpan
pTk/Makefile.PL metacpan
pod/Makefile.PL metacpan