Kwalitee Issues


Use a proper tool to make a distribution. You might also need to fix META files if you keep them in the repository.

Error: Uplug


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: Uplug::Align::Word::UWA, Uplug::StrSim


Make sure that the main module name and version are the same of the distribution.


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: Uplug-0.3.6/lib/Uplug/IO/ -- Around line 70: Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Linköping'. Assuming CP1252


Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Uplug, Uplug::Align::Word, Uplug::Align::Word::Clue, Uplug::Align::Word::Giza, Uplug::Align::Word::UWA, Uplug::Config, Uplug::CoocStat, Uplug::Data, Uplug::Data::Align, Uplug::Data::Lang, Uplug::Data::Node, Uplug::Encoding, Uplug::IO, Uplug::IO::Any, Uplug::IO::Collection, Uplug::IO::DBM, Uplug::IO::LWA, Uplug::IO::LiuAlign, Uplug::IO::MosesWordAlign, Uplug::IO::PlugXML, Uplug::IO::Storable, Uplug::IO::Tab, Uplug::IO::Text, Uplug::IO::XCESalign, Uplug::IO::XML, Uplug::PreProcess::SentDetect, Uplug::PreProcess::Tokenizer, Uplug::StrSim, Uplug::Web, Uplug::Web::CWB, Uplug::Web::Config, Uplug::Web::Corpus, Uplug::Web::Process, Uplug::Web::Process::Lock, Uplug::Web::Process::Stack, Uplug::Web::User, Uplug::XML::SubTree, Uplug::XML::Writer


Split the distribution, or fix the version numbers to make them consistent (use the highest version number to avoid version downgrade).

Error: 0.003006,0.4


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Add a 'repository' resource to the META.yml via 'meta_add' accessor (for Module::Build) or META_ADD parameter (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker).


Name Abstract Version View
Uplug a toolbox for processing (parallel) text corpora 0.003006 metacpan
Uplug::Align::Word metacpan
Uplug::Align::Word::Clue metacpan
Uplug::Align::Word::Giza metacpan
Uplug::Config process Uplug configuration files metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat metacpan
Uplug::Data metacpan
Uplug::Data::Align metacpan
Uplug::Data::Lang metacpan
Uplug::Data::Node metacpan
Uplug::Encoding metacpan
Uplug::IO metacpan
Uplug::IO::Any libraries for handling various kinds of input/output metacpan
Uplug::IO::Collection metacpan
Uplug::IO::DBM metacpan
Uplug::IO::LWA metacpan
Uplug::IO::LiuAlign metacpan
Uplug::IO::MosesWordAlign metacpan
Uplug::IO::PlugXML metacpan
Uplug::IO::Storable metacpan
Uplug::IO::Tab metacpan
Uplug::IO::Text metacpan
Uplug::IO::XCESalign metacpan
Uplug::IO::XML metacpan
Uplug::PreProcess::SentDetect Moses/Europarl sentence boundary detector metacpan
Uplug::PreProcess::Tokenizer metacpan
Uplug::StrSim metacpan
Uplug::Web a web interface for Uplug metacpan
Uplug::Web::CWB metacpan
Uplug::Web::Config metacpan
Uplug::Web::Corpus metacpan
Uplug::Web::Process metacpan
Uplug::Web::Process::Lock metacpan
Uplug::Web::Process::Stack metacpan
Uplug::Web::User metacpan
Uplug::XML::SubTree metacpan
Uplug::XML::Writer Perl extension for writing XML documents. 0.4 metacpan


Name File View
Uplug::CoocStat::Chi2 lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::Dice lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::I lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::Jaccard lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::Kulczinsky lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::LL lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::MI lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::MI3 lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::McConnoughy lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::Measure lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::Ochiai lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::PMI lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::Phi lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::Simple lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::Yule lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::CoocStat::tscore lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::Web::Bitext lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::Web::BitextLinks lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::Web::Data lib/Uplug/ metacpan
Uplug::XML::Writer::Namespaces lib/Uplug/XML/ metacpan

Other Files

MANIFEST metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan