Kwalitee Issues

No Core Issues.


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Ask the owner of the distribution (the one who released it first, or the one who is designated in x_authority) to give you a (co-)maintainer's permission.


  • Type::Exception


Name Abstract Version View
Devel::TypeTiny::Perl56Compat shims to allow Type::Tiny to run on Perl 5.6.x 0.027_08 metacpan
Devel::TypeTiny::Perl58Compat shims to allow Type::Tiny to run on Perl 5.8.x 0.027_08 metacpan
Eval::TypeTiny utility to evaluate a string of Perl code in a clean environment 0.027_08 metacpan
Exporter::TypeTiny a small exporter used internally by Type::Library and friends 0.027_08 metacpan
Reply::Plugin::TypeTiny improved type constraint exceptions in Reply 0.027_08 metacpan
Test::TypeTiny useful functions for testing the efficacy of type constraints 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Coercion a set of coercions to a particular target type constraint 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Coercion::FromMoose a set of coercions borrowed from Moose 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Coercion::Union a set of coercions to a union type constraint 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Exception exceptions for Type::Tiny and friends 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Exception::Assertion exception when a value fails a type constraint 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Exception::Compilation exception for Eval::TypeTiny 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Exception::WrongNumberOfParameters exception for Type::Params 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Library tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type libraries 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Params Params::Validate-like parameter validation using Type::Tiny type constraints and coercions 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Parser parse type constraint strings 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Registry a glorified hashref for looking up type constraints 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Tiny tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Tiny::Class type constraints based on the "isa" method 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Tiny::Duck type constraints based on the "can" method 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Tiny::Enum string enum type constraints 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Tiny::Intersection intersection type constraints 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Tiny::Role type constraints based on the "DOES" method 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Tiny::Union union type constraints 0.027_08 metacpan
Type::Utils utility functions to make defining and using type constraints a little easier 0.027_08 metacpan
Types::Standard bundled set of built-in types for Type::Tiny 0.027_08 metacpan
Types::TypeTiny type constraints used internally by Type::Tiny 0.027_08 metacpan

Other Files

Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan
README metacpan
dist.ini metacpan