
Audio-DB-0.01/DB/ -- Around line 41: You can't have =items (as at line 47) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item Around line 103: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' Audio-DB-0.01/DB/ -- Around line 272: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2' Around line 310: =over without closing =back Audio-DB-0.01/DB/Util/ -- Around line 836: =pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 4 lines of content Around line 977: =over without closing =back Audio-DB-0.01/DB/Util/ -- Around line 27: =pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 4 lines of content Around line 168: =over without closing =back Audio-DB-0.01/DB/Util/ -- Around line 364: =pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 4 lines of content Around line 505: =over without closing =back Audio-DB-0.01/DB/Util/ -- Around line 30: =pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 4 lines of content Around line 171: =over without closing =back Audio-DB-0.01/DB/ -- Around line 662: =over without closing =back
  • LWP::MediaTypes
  • MP3::Info
Audio::DB, Audio::DB::Adaptor::dbi::mysql, Audio::DB::Adaptor::dbi::sqlite, Audio::DB::Build, Audio::DB::DataTypes::Album, Audio::DB::DataTypes::AlbumList, Audio::DB::DataTypes::Artist, Audio::DB::DataTypes::ArtistList, Audio::DB::DataTypes::Genre, Audio::DB::DataTypes::GenreList, Audio::DB::DataTypes::Song, Audio::DB::DataTypes::SongList, Audio::DB::Factory, Audio::DB::Parse::FlatFile, Audio::DB::Parse::ReadFiles, Audio::DB::Parse::iTunes, Audio::DB::Query, Audio::DB::Reports, Audio::DB::Util::Playlists, Audio::DB::Util::Rearrange, Audio::DB::Util::SongStats, Audio::DB::Util::SystemConfig, Audio::DB::Util::UserManagement, Audio::DB::Util::Warnings, Audio::DB::Web