
Name Abstract Version View
App::PS1 Module to load PS1 status line elements 0.08 metacpan
App::PS1::Daemon Gets info that can take a long time to collect so the app_ps1 command can have the data pre-populated 0.08 metacpan
App::PS1::Plugin::Branch Adds the current branch to prompt 0.08 metacpan
App::PS1::Plugin::Date Adds the current date to prompt 0.08 metacpan
App::PS1::Plugin::Directory Current directory information 0.08 metacpan
App::PS1::Plugin::Env Shows the value/state of requested environment variables for displaying on the prompt 0.08 metacpan
App::PS1::Plugin::Face Adds an indicator of last programs success or failure to prompt 0.08 metacpan
App::PS1::Plugin::Node Shows current version of node if using nave 0.08 metacpan
App::PS1::Plugin::Perl Shows current version of Perl if using perlbrew 0.08 metacpan
App::PS1::Plugin::Processes Running processes to prompt 0.08 metacpan
App::PS1::Plugin::Ruby Shows current version of ruby if using rvm 0.08 metacpan
App::PS1::Plugin::Uptime Adds system uptime to prompt 0.08 metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
README.pod metacpan