Kwalitee Issues


Add a README to the distribution. It should contain a quick description of your module and how to install it.


Add a Changelog (best named 'Changes') to the distribution. It should list at least major changes implemented in newer versions.


Add 'use strict' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules are strictly written.

Error: Net::WebSocket, Net::WebSocket::Base::DataMessage, Net::WebSocket::Frame::binary


Remove the POD errors. You can check for POD errors automatically by including Test::Pod to your test suite.

Error: Net-WebSocket-0.01/lib/Net/WebSocket/Frame/ -- Around line 5: Unknown directive: =HEAD1 Net-WebSocket-0.01/lib/Net/WebSocket/Frame/ -- Around line 5: Unknown directive: =HEAD1 Net-WebSocket-0.01/lib/Net/WebSocket/Frame/ -- Around line 5: Unknown directive: =HEAD1 Net-WebSocket-0.01/lib/Net/WebSocket/ -- Around line 44: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'


If you are using Build.PL define the {requires}{perl} = VERSION field. If you are using MakeMaker (Makefile.PL) you should upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to 6.48 and use MIN_PERL_VERSION parameter. Perl::MinimumVersion can help you determine which version of Perl your module needs.


Add 'use warnings' (or its equivalents) to all modules, or convince us that your favorite module is well-known enough and people can easily see the modules warn when something bad happens.

Error: Net::WebSocket, Net::WebSocket::Base::DataMessage, Net::WebSocket::Frame::binary


Add all modules contained in this distribution to the META.yml field 'provides'. Module::Build or Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides do this automatically for you.


Name Abstract Version View
Net::WebSocket WebSocket in Perl 0.01 metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Base::ControlFrame metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Base::DataFrame metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Base::DataMessage metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Base::Parser metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Base::ReadFilehandle metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Base::ReadString metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Base::Typed metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Constants metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Endpoint metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Endpoint::Client metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Endpoint::Server metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Frame metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Frame::binary metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Frame::close metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Frame::continuation metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Frame::ping metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Frame::pong metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Frame::text metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Handshake::Base metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Handshake::Client metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Handshake::Server metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Mask metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Masker::Client metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Masker::Server metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Message metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Message::binary metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Message::text metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Parser Parse WebSocket from a filehandle metacpan
Net::WebSocket::RNG metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Streamer metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Streamer::Client metacpan
Net::WebSocket::Streamer::Server metacpan
Net::WebSocket::X metacpan
Net::WebSocket::X::BadAccept metacpan
Net::WebSocket::X::BadArg metacpan
Net::WebSocket::X::Base metacpan
Net::WebSocket::X::EmptyRead metacpan
Net::WebSocket::X::ReadFilehandle metacpan
Net::WebSocket::X::ReceivedBadControlFrame metacpan
Net::WebSocket::X::ReceivedClose metacpan

Other Files

MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
Makefile.PL metacpan