
Name Abstract Version View
App::VTide A vim/tmux based IDE for the terminal v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Command Base class for VTide sub commands v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Command::Conf Show the current VTide configuration and environment v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Command::Edit Run an edit command (like Run but without a terminal spec) v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Command::Grep Run a grep command on vtide editor globs v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Command::Help Show help for vtide commands v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Command::Init Initialize an session configuration file v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Command::Recent List recent App::VTide sessions v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Command::Refresh Refresh App::VTide configurations v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Command::Run Run a terminal command v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Command::Save Save configuration changes v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Command::Split Split tmux terminal helper v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Command::Start Start a session v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Command::Who Tells you about the terminal you are in v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Config Manage configuration for VTide v0.1.4 metacpan
App::VTide::Hooks Manage code hooks for APP::VTide v0.1.4 metacpan

Other Files

Build.PL metacpan
Changes metacpan
MANIFEST metacpan
META.json metacpan
META.yml metacpan
README.pod metacpan