CPANTS is a testing service for CPAN distributions. One of its goals is to provide some sort of quality measure called Kwalitee. Though it looks and sounds like quality, higher Kwalitee score doesn't always mean a distribution is more useful for you. All it can assure is it's less likely for you to encounter problems on installation, the format of manuals, licensing, or maybe portability, as most of the CPANTS metrics are based on the past toolchain/QA issues you may or may not remember.

If you are a CPAN author, search and visit your Kwalitee report page, and fix at least core fails (if any) for better CPAN experiences.

Recent Analyses

Name Version Released by Released on Kwalitee
XS-Parse-Sublike 0.25 PEVANS 2024-09-19 96.88
DBIx-Lite 0.35 AAR 2024-09-19 100
Net-DNS 1.47 NLNETLABS 2024-09-19 100
CGI-FormBuilder 3.20 BIGPRESH 2024-09-19 87.5
PDL-Graphics-Gnuplot 2.028 ETJ 2024-09-19 96.88
MARC-Convert-Wikidata 0.15 SKIM 2024-09-19 100
Business-ISBN-Data 20240918.001 BRIANDFOY 2024-09-19 96.88
XML-Grammar-Fortune 0.1001 SHLOMIF 2024-09-19 100
Future-AsyncAwait 0.69 PEVANS 2024-09-19 96.88
XS-Parse-Sublike 0.24 PEVANS 2024-09-19 96.88
CallBackery 0.50.2 OETIKER 2024-09-18 96.88
Data-Identifier v0.01 LION 2024-09-18 96.88
AsposeCellsCloud-CellsApi 24.9 ASPOSE 2024-09-18 68.75
App-MARC-Leader 0.05 SKIM 2024-09-18 100
Database-Async-Engine-PostgreSQL 1.005 TEAM 2024-09-18 100
Ryu 4.001 TEAM 2024-09-18 100
Sys-Async-Virt v0.0.2 EHUELS 2024-09-18 100
SPVM 0.990010 KIMOTO 2024-09-18 96.88
WebService-Xential 0.001 WATERKIP 2024-09-18 100
Net-Async-Redis 6.002 TEAM 2024-09-18 93.75
Data-TagDB v0.02 LION 2024-09-18 96.88
Data-URIID v0.07 LION 2024-09-18 96.88
Aion-Fs 0.0.7 DART 2024-09-18 100
Bitcoin-Secp256k1 0.001 BRTASTIC 2024-09-18 100
Lingua-EN-Inflexion 0.002009 DCONWAY 2024-09-18 96.88
PGPLOT 2.33 ETJ 2024-09-18 90.62
Feersum 1.503 EGOR 2024-09-18 96.88
Test-MemoryGrowth 0.05 PEVANS 2024-09-18 96.88
Log-Mini 0.5.1 DFE 2024-09-18 96.88
DBD-SQLite 1.75_01 ISHIGAKI 2024-09-17 100
Tk-AppWindow 0.14 HANJE 2024-09-17 93.75
Tk-AppWindow 0.13 HANJE 2024-09-17 93.75
Acme-Matrix 0.05 LNATION 2024-09-17 93.75
Game-Cribbage 0.10 LNATION 2024-09-17 93.75
Acme-Matrix 0.04 LNATION 2024-09-17 90.62
DateTime-Format-Unicode v0.1.2 JDEGUEST 2024-09-17 100
DateTime-Locale-FromCLDR v0.4.0 JDEGUEST 2024-09-17 100
Webservice-Ipify-API 1.004 HAX 2024-09-17 93.75
Sys-GetRandom-PP 0.04 MAUKE 2024-09-17 100
LINE-Bot-API 1.21 GUGOD 2024-09-17 100
Webservice-InternetDB-API 1.004 HAX 2024-09-17 93.75
App-HeightUtils 0.002 PERLANCAR 2024-09-17 100
CGI-FormBuilder 3.11_TRIAL BIGPRESH 2024-09-17 81.25
Data-InfoBox 0.02 SKIM 2024-09-17 100
Exporter-Tidy 0.09 JUERD 2024-09-17 96.88
Mojolicious-Plugin-BModel 0.1 BCDE 2024-09-17 100
Math-Symbolic-Custom-ToShorterString 0.01 MJOHNSON 2024-09-17 100
Mojolicious-Plugin-BModel 0.010 BCDE 2024-09-17 100
Future-IO 0.16 PEVANS 2024-09-17 96.88
MooX-Keyword-Factory 1.00 LNATION 2024-09-17 96.88