CPANTS is a testing service for CPAN distributions. One of its goals is to provide some sort of quality measure called Kwalitee. Though it looks and sounds like quality, higher Kwalitee score doesn't always mean a distribution is more useful for you. All it can assure is it's less likely for you to encounter problems on installation, the format of manuals, licensing, or maybe portability, as most of the CPANTS metrics are based on the past toolchain/QA issues you may or may not remember.

If you are a CPAN author, search and visit your Kwalitee report page, and fix at least core fails (if any) for better CPAN experiences.

Recent Analyses

Name Version Released by Released on Kwalitee
Unixish 1.0.7 PERLANCAR 2024-12-11 96.88
DBIx-Class-Storage-DBI-MariaDB 0.1.1_1 DLAMBLEY 2024-12-11 96.88
Data-ISO8583 2.44 CADE 2024-12-11 90.62
Weather-WeatherKit 0.12 DKECHAG 2024-12-11 100
Travel-Status-DE-DeutscheBahn 6.14 DERF 2024-12-11 100
PDL-Opt-Simplex-Simple 2.004 EWHEELER 2024-12-11 100
Parallel-WorkUnit 2.243450 JMASLAK 2024-12-11 100
Acme-Markdown-Embarrassing 3.2-again CONTRA 2024-12-11 87.5
App-perl-distrolint 0.07 PEVANS 2024-12-10 96.88
Config-Proxy 1.0 SGRAY 2024-12-10 96.88
App-Greple 9.18 UTASHIRO 2024-12-10 100
App-Greple-xp 1.00 UTASHIRO 2024-12-10 100
YATT-Lite 0.121 HKOBA 2024-12-10 96.88
Text-ASCII-Convert 0.32 FKENTO 2024-12-10 93.75
WordList-HTTP-UserAgentString-PERLANCAR 0.004 PERLANCAR 2024-12-10 100
App-HTTPTinyUtils 0.010 PERLANCAR 2024-12-10 100
kura 0.06 KFLY 2024-12-10 100
App-repeat 0.005 PERLANCAR 2024-12-10 100
Music-Dice 0.0201 GENE 2024-12-10 100
Mail-BIMI 3.20241209 ADAVIS 2024-12-10 100
PerlPowerTools 1.048 BRIANDFOY 2024-12-10 96.88
Weather-API-Base 0.3 DKECHAG 2024-12-10 100
Test-Inter 1.12 SBECK 2024-12-10 100
Slackware-SBoKeeper 1.02 SAMYOUNG 2024-12-09 100
Zonemaster-CLI v7.1.0 ZNMSTR 2024-12-09 96.88
Zonemaster-Backend 11.3.0 ZNMSTR 2024-12-09 100
Zonemaster-LDNS 4.1.0 ZNMSTR 2024-12-09 96.88
Zonemaster-Engine v7.0.0 ZNMSTR 2024-12-09 100
PDL-Opt-Simplex 2.096 ETJ 2024-12-09 84.38
App-SpreadRevolutionaryDate 0.36 GIBUS 2024-12-09 100
PDL-Fit 2.097 ETJ 2024-12-09 87.5
PDL-Fit 2.096 ETJ 2024-12-09 84.38
SmsAero 3.0.0 SMSAERO 2024-12-09 78.12
PDL-Slatec 2.096 ETJ 2024-12-09 87.5
PDL-GSL 2.099 ETJ 2024-12-09 87.5
PDL-GSL 2.098 ETJ 2024-12-09 84.38
PDL-GSL 2.097 ETJ 2024-12-09 84.38
SPVM-Net-SSLeay 0.024 KIMOTO 2024-12-09 96.88
PDL-GSL 2.096 ETJ 2024-12-09 84.38
PDL-Graphics-TriD 2.097 ETJ 2024-12-09 93.75
PDL-IO-ENVI 2.097 ETJ 2024-12-09 90.62
PDL-IO-Dicom 2.097 ETJ 2024-12-09 87.5
PDL-IO-IDL 2.097 ETJ 2024-12-09 100
Map-Tube-Lyon v0.62.1 GWS 2024-12-09 100
Map-Tube-KoelnBonn v0.92.1 GWS 2024-12-09 100
Map-Tube-Hamburg v0.1.0 GWS 2024-12-09 100
Map-Tube-Glasgow v0.72.1 GWS 2024-12-09 100
Map-Tube-Beijing v0.12.3 GWS 2024-12-09 100
PDL-IO-HDF 2.002 ETJ 2024-12-09 87.5
PDL-IO-GD 2.102 ETJ 2024-12-09 84.38